March 13 > 1941 Mre Pe Be Borgna Labette County Community High School Altemont, Kansas Deer Mre Borgna: ' Your very good letter of the llth instant hes been received. I already beve speaking detes on March 2¢ in Kansas Gity end Merch 26 and 26 at Chese, Kensas, and et WePherson, Keneas. I am wondering if April 1 would suit yous I heve a speaking dete in Kansas City on April 2 end e budget committee meeting here at the University in the afternoone . In addition to this T eam coaching a Varsity beseball team and feel as if I am taking some time away from them. Yet I reelize thet I owe something to the besketball situation and i+ is for thet reason I am making these spesling detes. The state of Kansas does not provide traveling @XPENSOE, and since I drive my own Buick Posdmester and have to pay the expenses, I fine that the least I can possibly get along on is five cents per mile each weye I make no charge for edéresses given within our own ' gtates Therefore, if you cen stand the automobile traveling expenses I would be glad to speak to your athletic benquete Since my time schedule is so limited I find it necessary to use the automobile to _ go from place to place in order to keep up with ny teaching end my. cozching schedules If this is agreeable with you kindly stete the time of your benquet and its meeting place. Very cordielly yours, — FCA tig:min Director of Physical Fdueation and Recreation — Varsity Basketball Cosch