April 16, 1941 Mree Edward Le Wellhausen 1329 Vernont lawrence, Kansas Tear Mrae Vellhaugens Thank you so much for sending Mrse Spangberg's. letter to me in which she enclosed a check covering Arthur's debt to youe I an very happy to lnow that the matter has been Closed as far as you are concerned, Thank you again for gending the letter ‘to mes Sincerely yours, Director of Physical fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach MA ge np lirse Arthur Spangberg 612 lie 23rd Street Ste Joseph, Missmri Deer lirée Spangberg? i do not want te hurt you further, end you heve certainly showed your Sprten motherhood by paying some of the debts You sey Arthur is a good bey and I heave no doubt that he _ is; but somehow a debt for fool certainly should be paid. There is @ large profit involved end certainly much laborious ef is presented by such en act: e i heave always felt that any man, if he pays any debt, would pay a debt for foods : & is in the Army now certainly e mrt of that $21.00 peor month should go for such a debt. Mrs. Taylor writes me that she has written you but can get no responses Won't you write lirse Teylor and see if there isn't some wey this very legitimate debt of Arthur's can be settled? i am sending you © carbon copy of the letter that I have written Mre Masone I certainly em disappointed Oe ae ee et. a ine ae nothing of his comings ‘The initiative was wholly on lire Mason end your son, Arthure We showed him every courtesy; in fect, far beyond the bounds of the ordinary student, and I am sure that if you will en unprejudiced viewpoint, you will see that we did for this boy than 99 ow’ of 100 students because of the high recommendation that iir. Mason ude for Arthure et sincerely trust that you will respond to irs. Taylor's Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation ° Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Mrs “aur ice Le Mason Amer ican Rationel Bank Bldg. Ste deeeyh, Misseurs ; Dear Mr. iiason: Agetn 1 an eubnrrassed wish the visitation of your friend and your protege, Arthur Spangberge hirSe Taylor, the women who depends on mking @ small legitimate profit from a laborious foodeserving job, served Arthur the food whieh he ate and which he left without peying fore i em wondering now, Mre Mason, af it isnt about time that you see that this peor widow woman gots back @ part of the money thet she spent for food for this boye Surely if he is ac fine a boy as you sey he is, you could either underwrite this expense, depending upon him to compensate you at some later date, or else - you could go to someone and get this money and send it to this womane You have never anewered wy previous letters; perhape it is just as well, but I went to toll you that i am badly disappointed in. our relationship which apparently started out in such & friendly fashion and ended so Miaeeserenty for the people who served Arthur Spangberge Sinesrely yours, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Mrse John Ee Teylor 1406 Tennessee Lewrence, Kansas Dear Mrse Taylor: Enelosed are copies of letters I have written to Mrse Arthur Spangberg and Mre Maurice Le Mason regard ing Arthur Spangberg*s debt to youe I sincerely trust this matter will be taken care of immediately, and I shall appreciete your keeping me inf rmede ees . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FoArig A i #8 “-RIGHARD W. MASON Maurice L. MASON MASON AND MASON “4 1) Wea / te ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Nn 7 e oui AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING _aA. A A a} fi \ SAINT JOSEPH, MISSOURI er cages Se» 1 ar) e ‘TELEPHONE 2-1505 mila OA 4 Dr. Forrest C. Allen . Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: I received your letter of April 30 in which you explain that Arther Spangberg owes another debt to a Mrs. Taylor. I do not have a personal acquaintance with Mrs. Taylor and do not know the amount of the debt owed by Arthur. If you will please contact her and ascertain the amount and write me or have her write me stating the amount of the debt, I again will personally attempt to see that Arthur takes care of this matter. He apparently did nothing but spend money while at school. It was my impression that he was to earn a part of his way, however, if he did earn any, it es not applied on his accounts. 7 “ies. Ruth Spangberg , Sister, advised me that she would take care of Mrs. Wellahausen and up to the present time, unless I hear to the contrary, assume she has paid the obligation. You, no doubt, realize that it is a difficult matter to keep a son in college and is quite a problem and that the difficulties of supporting or undertaking the responsibility of a young man not of blood relationship is of two fold. Apparently, Arthur did not realize his responsibilities to the fullest extent. This indeed is a new experience to me and one from which I will, no doubt, profit. I hope the next relationship which we may have will not be so disastrous for our connection and for others. Sincerely yours, Tre MLM/alh MI sonia tat sm ow doiiw qinenotssler dxen acid eqon . . 0 10% bas ooltoennoo io 10 auowenetb samoy Ylereonts May 9th, 1941 1400 Ohio Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mrs, Taylor: Enclosed find a copy of letter which I received from Maurice Mason, which speaks for itself, Very truly, Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation - Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAseh April 12, 1941 Mrse Arthur : 612 Ne 28rd Street Ste Joseph, Missouri Dear Mree Spangbergs Mrée Wellhausen called and said you had sent her the money for Arthur's debte I greatly appreciate your doing this, Mrae Spangberg, because Mrs, Wellhausen is a woman who has had to struggle severely for what little noney she hase Again I wigh to say I would not cause you one moment's pain, but I wanted you to lmow, lirse Spangberg, that arthur owed ® woman some money, and this woman has strugglel very very hard to got what she hase | . I trust that Arthur will make a fine record in the Army and will mke you very proud of his achievenents | Thank you again for sending the money to Mrse Wellhausene Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach POA sg August 14, 1941. Mrs. John E. Taylor, 1400 Ohio Street, -. Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Taylor: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your good letter of the 4th instant, and I am more sorry about the Arthur Spangberg incident then you quite realize. 1! would be glad to get in touch with Sgt. Kollender and make every effort to get your money for you. Personally, I do not direct eny number of boys to | boarding houses, but occasionally a boy does come in and if they ask my advige I will be more than happy to recommend you to them. the football squad is quite large but the basketball squad is rather small and the same organization is not attempted in basketball that is done in football, i do not know who Mr. Morris is end I do not know with whom he dealt, Certainly I have nothing to do with that angle. I will be glad to speak to Clarence Miller - with a view of helping you in any possible way. I am sure that your rates will have to reise this fall on account of the sharp increase of prices. You will hear from me efter my return to Lawrence some time after the 2Srd of August. : _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball coach. a Lawrence, KanSe, Auge 4, I9QAI. Dr. “Phog™ Allen, KU; .’ Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen:- Am very soory to bother you but am afraid that you might leave for a vacation and then I could not talk to you for some time. Have still heard nothing from Arthur Spangberg. I wrote to his commanding officer at Camp Robinson and he wrote to the head of the Red Cross here in Lawrence. They tell me that Arthur was put on his honor to pay me but of course that will never happen. Thought perhaps you might be able to get in touch with My, Koliender and through him help me to get my money. Another thing. We are just two blocks down I4th street at I4th and Ohio and I was wondering if you could in any way send me some of your boys to board and roome Still can take some boys to room and just any number to board. Should like to have a large boarding club . If I can get enough boys then I can use more boys to wait tables and wash dishes and thus help a larger number of boyse There are so many boys come to me for help but I can do nothing more unless I get the boys to board. There is a Mr. Morris wh o lives just south of us and he fold me that he had made arrangments last year already with the college to getso many boys at $27.50. I knew nothing of any thing like taht However, I had a number of your boys eating here but I need many more If it is possible for you to do anything for me I surely would appreciate it Clarence Miller one of your boys washes dishes and he can tell you about use Marvin Vandeveer and Bob Abrahams as well as Larry Johnson ate here ahd are coming back, so if I could get more of the boys I would be glad. Our rates have to raise this Fall because of the high prices and will be $5.00 per week plus the tax. Rooms will be $8 and $I0 according to location.. If you can do anything we will be very thankful. ae Way Tz ( irs. John E. Taylor, T400 Ohio Lawrence, Kanse Phone 56.