np lirse Arthur Spangberg 612 lie 23rd Street Ste Joseph, Missmri Deer lirée Spangberg? i do not want te hurt you further, end you heve certainly showed your Sprten motherhood by paying some of the debts You sey Arthur is a good bey and I heave no doubt that he _ is; but somehow a debt for fool certainly should be paid. There is @ large profit involved end certainly much laborious ef is presented by such en act: e i heave always felt that any man, if he pays any debt, would pay a debt for foods : & is in the Army now certainly e mrt of that $21.00 peor month should go for such a debt. Mrs. Taylor writes me that she has written you but can get no responses Won't you write lirse Teylor and see if there isn't some wey this very legitimate debt of Arthur's can be settled? i am sending you © carbon copy of the letter that I have written Mre Masone I certainly em disappointed Oe ae ee et. a ine ae nothing of his comings ‘The initiative was wholly on lire Mason end your son, Arthure We showed him every courtesy; in fect, far beyond the bounds of the ordinary student, and I am sure that if you will en unprejudiced viewpoint, you will see that we did for this boy than 99 ow’ of 100 students because of the high recommendation that iir. Mason ude for Arthure et sincerely trust that you will respond to irs. Taylor's Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation ° Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach