Mrs “aur ice Le Mason Amer ican Rationel Bank Bldg. Ste deeeyh, Misseurs ; Dear Mr. iiason: Agetn 1 an eubnrrassed wish the visitation of your friend and your protege, Arthur Spangberge hirSe Taylor, the women who depends on mking @ small legitimate profit from a laborious foodeserving job, served Arthur the food whieh he ate and which he left without peying fore i em wondering now, Mre Mason, af it isnt about time that you see that this peor widow woman gots back @ part of the money thet she spent for food for this boye Surely if he is ac fine a boy as you sey he is, you could either underwrite this expense, depending upon him to compensate you at some later date, or else - you could go to someone and get this money and send it to this womane You have never anewered wy previous letters; perhape it is just as well, but I went to toll you that i am badly disappointed in. our relationship which apparently started out in such & friendly fashion and ended so Miaeeserenty for the people who served Arthur Spangberge Sinesrely yours, Direster of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach