March ls 194] é Mr e Roy Se Bennett 406 Ne Centrel Parsons, Kensas Dear Roy: Doggone itt Avumber than a dumbbell! I have just awakened to the fact that I have esoupted (for reasons no one knows) the responsibility of coaching varsity baseball this springe I had not looked at the beseball schedule closely when I wrote you on Jenuery 3lst, and now I find that we are to play Oklahoma at Norman on April 18th and 19th. I have asked Okla- homa to move these dates up to the 17th and 18th in order to make an open- ing so thet we might attend the Kenses Relays on April 19th. If Oklahoma is unable to shift the date up to the 17th and 18th, then we will be forced to play on the 18th and 19th at Norman. I have always met a great number of the high school basketball stars here on the morning of the Pelays. They come in at our invitation and shoot goals in the Gymmasium. Our varsity besketball players always dress and visit with them and have a generally good time for a few hours. We find this very wholesome and something we desire to cultivate. Roy, 2 an writing you te let you know that I want to come on the 17th, but the invitations have already gone to the high school boys to be here in Lawrence. It seoms that my first obligation is to theme We ghouli know in the course of « fow days, and I will write you definitely thene I wanted, however, to apprise you of the possibility of the change so that you will know I am trying to play fair with everybody concerned. I em sure that we will lmow by March 7th and when I see you in Lawrence then, we can definitely discuss #11 angles of the situation and decide what is best for alle With every good wish, I am ' Sincerely yours, Director of Physcial Education and "ecreation Varsity Basketball Coach