Residence 334 Windenwood Church Phone 6780 Phone 2-2037 West Side Christian Church Garner Dealey Noland, Minister 6th and Windenfood Avenues Topeka, Kansas October 1,1941, Dr Forest C.Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas; ee : Dear Doctor Allen:- a Pe ea The Laymen's League of the West Side Christian Has asked me to write you,askingififcit would be possible for you to be our spesker for our Laymen's League Dinner on the night of October 89,Time* “Will be 6.45. They would like to have you speak on one of the following subjects and you illustrate it of course in your own way. The Stewardship of Money The Stewardsgip of Time The Local Church adequately Supported In Partnership With God or To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. If this date is taken forryou have you some one in mind there that can get the job dome for us.We would much appreciate having you for we are confident that with your type of illustrations you can sell the subject to these men. : This date will be permanently set and there will be no interference as we had when we tried to get you the last time and found that our President had shot the gun to soon for us and had secured another speaker. We are very ancious to have you start the years season of men's meeting for us. Yours very sincerely GF vo "Church Moorings Were Never More Important than soe .