THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE EDUCATIONAL CLINIC September 30, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Campus e My dear Dr. Allen: As you probably know, you have been asked to partici- pate in a panel discussion at the District P.T.A. Convention - —inOttawa, October 24 at the Methodist Church. They have asked me to serve as chairman of the panel, and so at the request of Mrs. E.A. Carlson, District President, I am writ- ing to you concerning it. Superintendent Richards of Emporia is to make an ad-= dress at 1:30 on "Fitting P.T.A. to the Needs of School md Youth." Our panel is supposed to pick up where he leaves off, and to continue on the general problem of "Youth--our greatest resource, and how we may contribute to it." This panel is set up to represent the different areas of committee functioning in the P.T.A. organization, and it is designed to bring out to the members in attendance, some- thing of the area of work in the different committess, md how they might like to help local officers. In order to have the panel run smoothly, I should like to have each of you think over the points you might like to bring out in the discussion. If you will send me a list o& these points previous to the meeting, I will try to work out an outlineof the discussion, so that I can direct it toward your field and ask you specific questions which you will be prepared to discuss. We want this discussion to be as spon- taneous as possible, and yet be constructive and helpful. If it works well, it is much better than a speech by any one. I believe that the personnel of the panel is such that it ought to be a very stimulating and interesting pro- Erame