UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS hengnee NOV 293 1940 Committee on Assignment of Quarters My dear _Professor Allen | ; Attached are the cards for report of the classes planned by your department for next semester, Request for temmorary assienment of additional rooms should be made on the form at the bottom of th 4ig sheet, and should accompany the report cards. Please send (Rags greport to the Chancellor's Office not later than DEC An earlier return will de greatly avpreciated. Sincerely yours, RAYMOWD NICHOLS, Secretary. , 198s To the Committee on Assignment of Quarters: The Department of needs additional classrooms for the next semester, as follows: ' Course D: i | Room , So ayes i . Size ° Number | | Needed , Needed | Preferred | Remarks ren arte naptitln nett aot ee eee as coredieeemrenaten ees alate te ~—eemes ne rip am. co enermeremtore Signature