UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Men's Schedule CLASS SCHEDULE ase EPRON oe ee ee dic ciescuite Physical Education TeeM........2 Fall. 19 45. No. Time Day Course ae Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor 8:30 MF Conditioning Glasses Rob Staff 10:30 | MF . . " " 11:30 MF * # * ¥ 1:50) | MF * . . " 2380 MWF " i] st # 5:30 MF " * # " 4350 MF * ” * * 93° Pt 35 be3O 7? *Football 2 Rob _203R Shenk 36 8:50 MF Hist. & Prin. of P.B. Rob 202 Shenk 40 _ 9330 a rs. Hygiene & Commmity 3 |Rob | 203 | Strait health 65 | 9180 $7 *Basketball 2 |Rob | 208 | Allen aa (Head of Dept.) 20-3785 cago «= 8-445 M _ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Women's Schedule CLASS SCHEDULE Division — Dee Ue eran e Dersemscecr..prypahon’ tiie a ee ae 1a No. Time a ae Prerequisite | Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor 8180 ww | Ad. Archery ‘Bl Arohery | } | Rob | 102 | Stapleton 9:50. Mur Bl. Archery since a # i 10:50 11:20 fF | Bl. Archery ee erenenenene e * * * 11:80 12:20 TT | Ble Archery = omswwenane | * 7 ” 10:30 wr Atha Dame Fl. Tennis | @ « " Smith 10:80 11:20 TF | Bl. Tennis erieneeneinctnsenn ,(* | Smith S130 4:20 TF | El. Tennis went meme ne S|} F Smith 11:80 22:40 MP | Recs Sporte — s-nanam-ns ,* | * | oe 11:30 Mi =| Inter.Gwimning El, Swim @ | “ | Pool) Hoover 2:50 tor | MisGehaming — senwewnanen |" | * | Hoover 11:30 12:20) «= {F 1.Spinning ce mer nema * | * " Hoover 12:80 12:20 TF | Ble Polk Dance ##ennnnene & | “ | 208) Smith 2280 wr | ModsDance Ble hi" |] * | fete 2:30 3:20) TP | Bl. Tap Dando nnemenne (sie | | Smith 3:30 MUF | Bl. Social Dance «--«--=« Th Smith 3350 iwi? Hookey we eneene Sy . Hoover 4:30 6:20, fT? Hockey meme | ie | 3 " Hoover 4:30 Mur 6 | VOlleyball sees enna ena on e.* . cone noe mt ae 1:30 Mave Hl. Equitation -mmes——me Z » | 208 Mott ee (Head of Dept.) 20-8785 6-14—5M | Page ~2- UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Wonen's Schedule CLASS SCHEDULE Division DepartMenr............ 2 SaOGd Education ee eg. 19.48. No. Time Day oe Prerequisite | Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor 1:30 eT Ble Equitation — ammmesmm & |Reb.| 202 | Mott 2:30 Mii Ble Equitation «seems iG ° " Mott 2280 TT | Ble Bquitetion <--ene.~ e | * * Mott 3350 MY =| Ble Equitation qnusenane- 16 7s Mott 3:30 7? Ml. Eq itation anmmnmnn 4. | * * Mots 4:30 Mt | Ble Equitation «-----m—me ie i" | 8 Mott 4:30 {T Ble Bquitation cmmemmnmne é " " Mott SBCOND TERRE 9:30 WP |AdveArchery Blem. Archory % [Rob (102 | Stapleton pees 11:20 TT (AdveArchery Blem. Archery! |e 19 Stapleton his80 12:20 TP | AdveArchery Blem.Arohery ’ 1" | * | Stapleton 835C MHF | Bl.Badminton «a--ne-<0s=« s |* |8 Stapleton 11:30 MVP =| Pumbling & Stunts ---------- is " smith 11:30+12:80 MWF | Rec. Sports 7 ---------- z . " | Smith 11:30 — wr =| Inter. Swimming BasoGuis Lb Pomme = " | Pool| Hoover 2230 wir | EkSwimming wane nen ane - z . . Hoover 11:30-12e8d rr | ul’S#imming? ---------- + . ° Hoover 11:30-12:30 TT HY pow acse fe——-——- 4 " [102 | Smith 2330 MF juiod.Dance BE. ween nnn - - 3 . ee idk 2:30-3:80] Tr | El¢“Tap Dance 7 ------- os a | * Smith 3230 wr | EW%”Social Dance -------- — » | gmith 3350 MF | Hockey (meer eene s ' , | Hoover 4:30-5:30 | TT Hockey sé ee eee s . . Hoover 4:30 MWF V@lleyball ane wee ee 2457 phen sim mate 1:30 - ( Weinie! —~——- )\; n | 202 | Mott 20-3785 aida «= «8-445 a Page <2- UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Women's Schedule CLASS SCHEDULE Division DEPARTMENT ¥ hysical Education | TERM Fall 19.45. No. ' Time Day Course Pr in aa Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor 1:30 TT El. orev! wennenn-- % |Rob. | 202 | Mott 2230 MW «| El. Equitation? ----~----- + 8 " | Mott 2230 TT El. Equitation]? --------- 3 * | Mott 33250 MW El. Equitation? ---------- s ” e | Mott 3230 TT fl. Equitation | --------- s * 47% 1 oe 4330 MV El. Equitation J eceemen--- z 1 1 ee 4:30 TT |El. Equitation? —------- 2 " " Mott SECghibe EERO bl beperbe 930 C Ver trove Blow—srehery| 7. busboy % |Rob |102 | Stapleton 0380-21 7 fe Pe te bet 0:30—11:30| TT Adv.Archery/ BletieAirchery /} bs 3 | Stapketon N1:30-12a80) TT . Adv.Archery? BievArehery He. huleg 2 | * | ® | Stapleton 8:30 MF El.Badminton --~--------- 4 | . ” Stapleton : 1 " 1 11:30 MWF | Tumblinga/ Stunts ------- 5 Smith 10 23011 {80 7 Rece Sports a. Bie eee S " 2 Smith 3230-4;30 | TT | Rec. Sports) =---=-----~ . Smith 11230 MIF | Adv.Swimming SuteSuckn a brn % |Rob |Pool| Hoover 2250 MiF Int.Bwimming Whemectvim | / Fine # " * |. oer 11230-1230, TT] | Int.Swimming hemeGuim Hoover 10350 MF Square Dance = ===--~-- =< Smith 20-3785 ean UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Page -d- CLASS SCHEDULE Womens Schedule "Hoover rik: DIVISION: Sea lb anlieg DEPARTMENT .......- F hysical. Education | TERM Fall 19.45 No. Time Day Course 3 — Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor : 11:30012:30) TT i ae Dy, jbl Dow % | Rov. | 102 Smith 4350 MF Square Dencw wre eneann + ” ” Hoover 2330 MF Adv.Modern Dance Bemhiedern Qhed. uer| + oe Smith 3230 MWF | Adv. Social Dance BvwGewsel| 7) 0. z{* . Smith 2330 "3 2R0 eT Adv. Tap Dance T raemreg 60 Top b, » 4% , Smith 4230-5280 | TT | Volleyball Te a 1 8 HO] ween =e a 1:50 My © triter .Bquitation!---gin fi Cte % |Rob 202 | Mott : - ° ’ Nef, 1330 TT | . 7 Das” 4)* " | Mott , ; 2:30 MW ; er a a " Mott ; 2 j LE . : 2330 eT #*\ _ a1? . Mott , oe OL 2 | 3230 Mv ® 7 0 a x |" # | Mott - 3230 TT =f the |) % " | Mott 4230 MW \ eT Da ee " 1 Mott = : | Oe a Dab ee Pe |i. © ui Sa A 4 + (se [8:30 / | wr | Historye Prin. of P.E. e. *~K 3 | Rob | 202 |° Shenkk 84 | 10:30 MWF Phys -Exam pif Pres. of Ex. 3 . 204 Stapleton FSO pecker nino eseeaaaat he a BOGS sic Stpaapde FON ‘Be 67 fe = : ’ i oo sen fo cone Br ~~‘Hoever 6 8330 "MF Theory of Athletics “ 2 n | 204 Hoover 2 ee ee ; ert MOOT OL 71 3230 TT Officiating I p AN 1 | " | 204 |) Hoover (SUL) 300 — aanee—-Phystoe-Bdwosti on ————}— eT ee —8250" (ir , ! Smith 33W.).__ 10:30... TT Phy sical_Education 20-3785 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CLASS SCHEDULE Men's Schedule a ee ae eet anes Theses sea tasice ; DEPARTMENT.......... Physical Education ( hx) TERM............ Fall 19.49. No. Time “TFs Me Course oe Credit | Bldg. | Room | Instructor v 8:50 MF Conditioning Classes Rob Staff 10330 MF . . . . 11:50 MWF . " . sf 1:30 MWF . 7 z " 2:50 MF : : . ' 3230 MWF , . . . 43350 MWF ” " . ' 35, | 9330 TT #Footbell Cw A 2 | Rob | 203R/ Shenk V Pept o,5e—} 9 — : 3Bs 3 pr BQ Qenn}-- tS hOnk lillie ; unity Se Rob} BOS Strait Ahealth 65 9:50 zt #Basketball | C AL 2 Rob | 203 Allen : 10 drs « Pee 200 9:30 MF Theory and Practice of in iiiitics tree OD pe re ee ee : \ 1 } or roysiod, 20-3786 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CLASS SCHEDULE OPEV ON 5s oa ee ie ee eas i eee Se ee Peniians GY Aayerceck Cte Zh,... Tis - otf ee No. Time Day Course P em ena | Bldg. | Room Instructor ° a Se eee 2 |r |2o3k Shen kK. 36) 8 [MW F.| Mesh. Cmepre 7 opt 3 |@s.;o02} : 3 ” 7 Yo a Mw F, GLrtonl) Haygianest Cory Hebih 3 Ret |293 Stan 7 te V 6s 9= say a : K asket ball L |Met.)203} Allen : [Ohig. PE, ve Tee ere ne “Ol } 5 Mew | (Signed)... 20-3785 8-44—5M (Head of Dept.) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CLASS SCHEDULE UR PUISTON cs ah oss ne eg ee age eee le dices we i : 6 Mv ) e is DEPARTMENT ths sige! Edveaty fe. iC ener TERM a || 19 YS Noi Tine Day Coane ana | Credit | Bldg. | Room Instructor Zo M Ww F. Conditioning Classes ; Reb Sta pt 8 Se \ : k JO = ur Lo 2 : J/ a M W [= " ) ‘i Pe 6 \ J M I- \ i | : Ww & Z an Nw iF $ ; 3°? ‘ ‘ ' i > : ) 7 a = ' ye : | (Signed).............- Q (Head of Dept.) 20-3785 8-44—5M. nates saree net scsi a ded Pi roth idan it cha i Saath THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ¢# COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES = LAWRENCE June 19, 1945 OFFICE OF THE DEAN To Chairmen of Departments; Will you please prepare your schedule for the semester begin- ning September 128 and send it to the office not later than July 157 Kindly be sure that your copy follows exactly the | form used in this semester's printed schedule, a copy of which is enclosed, No one can speak with any certainty about the expected size of the enroliment,. It will perhaps be wise to count on an enroll- ment about the size of last fall's. The room situation re~ quires that mapy classes be soheduled in the late afternoon, especially at 3:30. This also gives students a better chance to select their courses, Sincerely yours, Paul Be Lawson, Dean FRL: EJT Eno.