THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ยข# COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES = LAWRENCE June 19, 1945 OFFICE OF THE DEAN To Chairmen of Departments; Will you please prepare your schedule for the semester begin- ning September 128 and send it to the office not later than July 157 Kindly be sure that your copy follows exactly the | form used in this semester's printed schedule, a copy of which is enclosed, No one can speak with any certainty about the expected size of the enroliment,. It will perhaps be wise to count on an enroll- ment about the size of last fall's. The room situation re~ quires that mapy classes be soheduled in the late afternoon, especially at 3:30. This also gives students a better chance to select their courses, Sincerely yours, Paul Be Lawson, Dean FRL: EJT Eno.