Mareh 14, 1941 Mre We Ce Kampschrocder Superintendent Eureka Public Sehoole Eureka, Kansas Dear Mr. Kampschroeders Thank you for your very good letter of the 135th instante Yes, I knew that you were a graduate of the University of Kansase Mrs Chandler and I often talk about yous. He thinks you ere a dandy and I assure you that I can go right along with him in thet regards Teich: you for your geod wishes ‘regivding the Bigditx Cenfurense basketball racée Porsomilly, I feel that ow boys outdid themselves to gein a tice They are a most exceptional group of boys, and I em very wry proud of theme Their acadenic standing exceeds even their athletic aauitels nentse Yes, I do recall that you telephoned me about speaking in Eureka and I wis sorry I could not be there. It will be a pleasure for me to endeavor to be with you either April 2° or 29 or May 1. I will let you pick the specific date if it would suit you betters The University of Kansas does not make any provision for our traveling expenses and since I drive a Buick Roadmaster, it is necessary that I get Sf per mile each way to break evene I lmow it would be much less expensive if I drove a Pord puddle}jimper, but after I doa pretty good day's work and then co out and drive a couple mmdred miles I find I am not in too good shape to deliver a decent talks For that reason I drive a larger car and save myself, although I spend more money doing ites I imgine the expense of trensportation will be around §20.00. of ' course, there is a small incidental expense of going and coming that should amount to @ couple of dollarse I have never made it a point to fix any charge for speaking to our people in Kansas so if you can meet this figure quoted above I assure you it would be a pleasure for me to be with yous I would appreciate hearing from you at your convenience confirming the date and giving me your desires. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation PAslg ~Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach