: | EUREKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Ww. C. KAMPSCHROEDER, SuPT. EUREKA, KANSAS March 13, 1941 Dr. Fe Us Alien Head Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: You will recall that I. telephoned you about speaking in Eureka for the Chamber of Commerce at the time that they were entertaining the Eureka High School football squad. We were sorry that it was impossible for you to be with us at. that time. Each spring the "E" Club of our high school sponsors an athletic banquet. Every boy in our school who has gone out for some form of athletics is invited to the "E" Club banquet. Then too, tickets are sold to as many’ parents and business- men as our accomodations will permit. The "E" Club does not have very much of an opportunity to earn money, but they do expect to pay for the principal speaker of the evening. We have discussed the banquet for this spring and we all agree that we would like to have you be with us this year. The dates suggested would be April él, 23, 29, or May 1. The time would be . approximately 6:50 or 7:00 p.m. We would appreciate hearing from you as to what you would want for coming to Eureka for such an event and also if any of the sug- gested dates might be open on your calendar. Oy at _ (mnenday ) OV ee veoh date 77 Cpu: 22) Cpu: av ay ao ( ronda ) — Dewan. Sscake, GAOnna. on Set. OAw AO a f QyuAf = —— lPxthed oy ) napus a La fs ih (ake des et 7 4)