J. K. HAEHLEN Principal High School, Dean Junior College BOARD OF DIRECTORS E. K. JONES, Pres. OSCEOLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS R. K. McGEE L. L. HAGIE, Superintendent nae aaa V. J. PASCHALL E. G. BANTA, Secy. OSCEOLA, IOWA November 19, 1941 Mr. Forest Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mre Allen: We understand that you are going to be the speaker at a footbail banquet in Knoxville, some thirty miles from Osceola, on the evening of November 24. We are wondering if it will be possible for you to perform a similar service at Usceola on the evening of either the 25th or the 26th at our football banquet held at the Presbyterian Church. We had originally planned December 3, as the date but if we can arrange with you, we will adapt the date to your visit to lowe. Will you wire me, collect, a flat fee for which you would be willing to stay over and be with us on eithe \ .. \ the 25th or 26th, Tuesday or Wednesday eveninge ~ Wednee ee Ree tyres, — Sincerely yours, LLE: Ji