Oeteber 50, 1941 Mr. Join McCormick Knexville, Iowa Coach Knoxville High Scheol I feel very guilty in not answering your good letter of the 2lst . sooner. I*ve been chairman of a Community Chest drive here, and in the rush of directing this drive and other heavy administrative duties ZI have failed to answer your letter. Please accept ny apologies. 2 I find that I have Nevenber 19 at Minneapolis, Kansas for an athe - letic banquet date. On the 21st our Varsity and freshman basket- ball teams are playing a Homecoming attraction for our homecomers prior te the big game with Missouri here. I am wondering if any date after the 22nd would be agreeable? Any date the woek of the 24th would suit me. We close our season on the 22nd. The follow- ing week the boys would be free from their football duties. . I would much rather that you set the fee. I drive a Buick. Since the state doee not allew us anything on transportation we of course — would have to figure in that expense. I've never been emphatic in trying to make money out of my speaking engagements, but of course chan « feiiee te euey Even ethos! ank Mia wick teat chonld be aen- sidered. Regretting that I*ve i answered your ulti sooner and trusting it's not too late I am a Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Reereation FCA/pE | | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach