UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS April 8th, 41 Dear Dr. Allen;- | I enclose herewith copy of letter I wrote Mrs Spangberg and hope it meets with your eccceeni. I have sent it via registered mail. Yesterday when Mr Wellhausen was at Coe's Drug Store, 14th & Mass, Mr Coe told him arthur Spangberg owed them between five and six dollars. Said just what he did here, he was expecting a check from Judge Mason in a day or two and would pay them immediately. He said he lived like a king. Ate nothing but ice cream and candy bars. We are to give his address to Mr Coe so he can try to get his money back, if he can I wish to thank you, Dr allen for coming to Unele Charlie Wray\(s funeral. It was so lovely of you, but, just those little acts is what makes everybody love you so, lr sage Wellhausen’ I wrote to Prof. Basye you were there. f , Dr Allen, I plan to give up the house the lst of June. Going to try to get a clerical position. That will be all clear, and I can depend upon it, and maybe I will get caught up with my bank & Ed just has one more year of K.U. and we cannot let him down now. Our Daddy is a jewel to us, right now. Could not get along without him. I coumld nurse, but I would like to be with the family evening to get their meals & Plan to get a small apartment. I was a court, or assistant court reporter when I was young, and my short hand is still very fresh in my mind. Even If I only received $8.00 a week it would be a furtune to us. Here our overhead is so high. Prof Basye was very kind and appreciative for our care of Uncle Charlie Again thanking you for everything, and be sure to keep your eyes and ears open for me, 1 remain, He also ordered the Kansas $1.50 and never paid for it Sincerely yours, He