HIGH SCHOOL TERRY WUESTER A. E. MYERS KARL OZIAS GRADES ; Clerk Director Treasurer ELMER KECK L. R. CASHMAN Science, Manual Training, Athletics Principal, 7 and 8 MAURINE - HAWBECKER DOROTHA CONNER Music 5 and 6 — ANSDELL LOLA BROWN Home Economics 3 and 4 Girls' Athletics C i D bj S h | dasieots Goudie DONALD MOLER entralla Fudlic Ochools (rand 2 Commerce ZILLAH OSTLUND English, Latin RAYMOND STEWART Centralia, Kansas Voc. Agriculture G. G. HENSLEY, Superintendent March 17, 1942. it. Fi 6, Ai3.en, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: You have been highly recommended as speaker for our Father-Son Hi-Y banquet to be held Thursday, April 2. If it ig at all possible, we would like to engage you as speaker for this occasion. Our budget allows us to spend not more than $10 for a speaker's traveling expenses. Our banquet is held annually with an attendance of ap- proximately 100 fathers and sons. You may choose your own subject but we suggest that it concern the high school student in re- gard to the present defense set up and ath- letics. Please notify us as soon as pos- Sible of your decision with the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Yours very eg ater President Centralia Hi-Y P. S. If you accept we will send further details.