March 28, 1941 le ED. Guy V. Keeler ne + ne at og of Kansas | ore | i Dear Mr. Keeler: ee I have received and wish to thank you for your letter of the 27th, advising definitely that = | Allen will come to Wichita. to address our waaverenny Club on the evening # April 19. a | It is observed hat Dr. Allen will drive a eeenee bie presence is required in Lawrenee for the Kansas ~—Relays and that it will be necessa coe ae we ae 6 eeeeee . tip te VYichita.. eee Se Se indeed to defray his _ expenses, including 5 cents per r transportation. ao | S Ge eet Mabe whet Shen Pe. A22en fee tenis to leave Lawrence bat if 4t would be a convenience to him you him that 1t fs not absolutely necessary whee e te on Giant tana a hc As I have advised before, this Club meets at the Innes Tea Room for a chner at 6:45 but the preliminaries and the musical prelude usuall sun GHNEh aheck @ a*Gheun ep a Lattio afver’ thet, We wou! like very much indeed to have Dr. Allen dine with us Poa ae oo oe | enter, aasiotenss to him te oat on the may so. | 3 peedettttt be Sad to reserve 0 room at whichever hotel he prefers, so that he ean ivmediately to the hotel and clean up ani make any change in dress thet he desires before coming to the meeting. As a rule we prefer Yr speakers wear Tuxedos but this is not indispensable e mt for Dr. Allen to do so it = be in etvenses or taut cur oun 00 aoe The subject announced is ee ee ee CT ase ‘be Pefreshing and