PLATFORM AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for HEALTH, PHYSIGAL EDUCATION, and REGREATION (1) (2) * As shown by the draft, AME cen ately 50% of American youth have disa- bling defects, hence It is necessary to have medical examina- tions for every young person of school age, the type of examination and the organiza- tion necessary to be determined by organ: ized medicine and public health. The neglected defects in childhood are the same defects which prevent ac- (3) ceptance for service, hence It is important to secure the early cor- rection of every remediable defect, the ways and means to be determined by the family and the community. Many young persons violate health practices because they do not know how to live, hence o - There should be emphasis upon rest and ~. sleep, nutrition, recreation, exercise, men- (4) tal and social hygiene, medical and dental care in order to develop gapanle patterns of living. Many children fail to grow properly, are weak, are unable to protect them- selves adequately i in emergencies, and lack recreational skills, hence All children should be taught motor skills which promote growth, development, safety, and recreation suitable to age, sex, and condition of health. A program of physical education consisting only of weight lifting, strength stunts, calisthenics, march- ing, or similar exercises is too limited for the needs of growing boys and girls. (5) 7 * The things hildees learn in school should function in their lives now and afterwards in civilian life, hence The program should consist of rhythms, games, sports, athletics, and body building activities, the latter directed particularly to the arms and upper back. The program should extend competitive interschool ath- letics suitable for individuals concerned. There are many desirable facilities and opportunities in the community, hence In conjunction with the regular program of the school, wide use should be made of _ community and state facilities and oppor- (7) (8) tunities for camping, hiking, riding, boat- ing and other similar outdoor activities. Vitality, strength, and skills cannot be developed without adequate time, hence In order to er, agility, skills, rug- gedness, strength, and endurance, a aay program of participation under qualified instructors throughout childhood and youth should be provided. No comprehensive programs are pos- sible without facilities, hence Communities should provide adequate in- door and outdoor facilities, including facil- — ities for swimming, in order to make pos- sible a desirable program of physical education for all children and youth. Adopted April, 1942.