FIRST HALF STATISTICS FOR OKLAHOMA A & M KANSAS YS. OKLAHOMA A & M Lawrones, Kansas February 19, 1952 OFFENSIVE DEFENSIVE TOTAL FGA PO POT FIA s«FP—s«REBOUNDS REBOUNDS ASSISTS PF POINTS Sucking, 3 | Due | | S os ee 2 Johnson, f 4 2 me) Ho 4 4 . “4 1 0 6 | * Baobkten, £ 8 & 1 3 a 2 2 i o- 12. Ward, £ ee oe 50 9 oo. 0 - 0 3 2 | cadey. ° é i 83 2 a 0 i 0 4 2 Mattick, o 2 2 50 2 1 Ec 2 : ; ie 3 Pager, ¢ 0 0 00 0 0 ® Q 0 0 0 I Hicks, ¢ DNP Reams, g 0 0 00 0 9 9 0 a SS Oo os Roark, & i 00 i 0 0 8 a i | Sheets, ¢ | 2 ' > 0 0 0 1 1 & O | gORALs: oo 56 9 7 é 9 n 1s 26 Alberts, ? Davenpgrt, f Kenney, f Kelley, A., ? Lienherd, f Squires, . Keller, = Lovellette, o Born, 8 Bye, ¢ Heitholit, g Hoag, g , Hougland, ¢ Johnson, g Kelley, D., g Smith, ¢ TOTALS : : STATISTZCS. FOR KANSAS KANSAS VS. OKLAHOMA A & M - Lawrense, Kansas February 19, 1952 FIRST HALF DEFENSIVE 3 OFFENSIVE _ TOTAL Foe FG PCF PTA PF. REBOUNDS |§ REBOUNDS ASSISTS PF POINTS, QNe. _DEP 5 2 40 . > 3 1 i - 4 pNP m a DHE , DEP. 2 . 60 2 1 Q 6. 1, ss Be ‘. 87 4 £& . oe ee 9 o go 2 _9 o a i Q pNP - 00 - 0 0 D 0 0 6 2 Bd 2 Q 2 g 0 2 2 Se 1 L 4 4 3. 3g mn oo. | 0 0 ee ° 9. 4 1. 2. _o DNP i eo 6 | 1s 45 15 12 10 9 D 58 i PINAL STATISTICS FOR OKLAHOMA A & M KANSAS VS. OKLAHOMA A&E Lawrence, Kansas February 19, 1952 | OFPENSIVE DEFENSIVE : TOTAL, FGA RG Fer FTA FY REBOUNDS =§ REBOUNDS ASSISTS PF POINTS Haskins, f DEP : | ie, 2 tc. eT 5 ts 3 - 2s 9 ee Stockton, f 9 5 56 4 Oe 5 - 2 @ i 13 | Ward, f 8 1 mete ts $ 8 1 4 3 Darcey, © 2 i 14 2 1 1 3 1 4 3 Mattick, ec | 8 8 88 . 1 2 $ 2 4 ? Pager, 0 DNP dicks, g DHP fone. 4 :. 28 0 0 L 0 ° 6 2 it 2 2 0 00 1 - 0 0 0 2 4 Sheets, ¢ 2 | Q 09 : = Q Q L a 5 9 TOTALS : 61 13 | 50 13 ; 10 16 | 10 22 46 SCORE BY QUARTERS: KANSAS: 2288-53-66 OKLA. \ & Ms 10-25-37-46 OFFICIALS: JIM ENRIG'T \°D MIKE OVERUELYAN a Alberts, f Davenport, ff | Kenney, f Kelley, A., f Lienhard, f Squires, f Keller, f Lore liakee: c Born, ¢ Dye, ¢ Heitholt, ¢ Hoag, & : Hougland, g Johnson, ¢ Kelley, D., g Smith, g - FOTALS : OFFICIALS: JIM EWRIGIT “2 [Ie OBER TELEAN FINAL STATISTICS FOR KANSAS KANSAS VS. OKLAHOMA A & M Lawrence, Kansas February 19, 1952 SCORE BY QUARTERS: KANS5-.5: 7 OFFENSIVE DEFENSIVE eas TOTAL RGA FG PCT PTA FT REBOUNDS REROUNDS § ASSISTS PF ‘POINTS DNP 1 0 00 1 - O| 0 0 0 1 13 7 54 16. 9 5 | 3 | 7 ay 3 23 DNP ; DUP : DNP 3 = 35 2 2 . 5 lL 5 P 23 li 48 10 5. 3 6 2 .. 27 0 9 00 0 0 Oo 9 0 1 0 pip 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 Oo i 9 3 2. 25 2 0 2 2 3 3 4 5 2 40 2 2 0 6 4 5 6 yr | 3 0 00 1 1 o pe 66 \es al 28 20 12 22-38-53~66 OXLA. A %: Us 10-25-$7-46 Gays em JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL Iowa State~Simpson Indianola, Iowa February 15, 1952 Iowa State (76) FO FI FIM PF TP Simpson (59) FO FI FIM PF TP Frahn, f£ 2 2 2 6 Etzell, f ®- 1 9 Rosenfeld, £ 10 ~——s Dorsett, £ 8 Gregor, £ 1 De Pace, £ Hunget, c ‘Stewart, c Wiese, ¢ Allenan, £ Johnson, f ed oO Branscome, ¢ Harminson, c Duncan, c Georges, g Eason, g Erickson, g Vo Pacey g Chandler, g Davis, g “Ho ocr WwW FP © & we wm Oo “+ow’e we » © F&F 2 6S ~ewMrF BY YP HF YF &F Oo WwW oS =] o R o fF F O & oS = Fulton, g Huston, g ~ #& oO F F&F WC OoOrF BO ww ao i+ Ww oo FY co 8 82 CEC 8S 8S Dd 1 a 30 6 B19 76 4a ihe Yew oO FY O FY & ON CO O RO en} 4 yw LL. oo ! oe ue hw & «@ 6 & 6 46 Se 6 Oe Me Half; Towa State 41, Iowa State 31 BASKETBALL Iowa State vs. Creighton February 16, 1952 Ames, Iowa 2,500 crowd Overtime game IOWA STATE (59) rok 6 UG Ce CUCU Cet Hess, f — s BG 2 2 Stange, f a7 de SD » 2 Koch, f=c L 0 1 0 2 i Davis, f 3 i 1 0 2 3 Diercks, c ft Le h 6 Iuhring, g - 2 €¢ Ff 4 h Long, g oo ©&© 2. & s;..4 Van Cleave, g 2 2 a 4 2 2 oo 3. df 23 22 59 CREIGHTON (58) Yost, f Se 6 @ @ § & Tuttle, £ mm 2 6 & fm Komasinski, f 2 0 0 1 3 0 Mullin, f 0 0 0 0 0 0 Heyden, c . @& fF s 5 7 Thornton, c 9 0 0 2 0 ‘Pedersen, g oS 2-2 98 5 6 Gradoville, g oe - & + - 2 > B Iucas, g a; © ee i oO Statz, g > &§ 6 &€ 6 SS Cole, g 2 sf 8 2 Z > © 2 + @ SS Se ee Creighton 06h lCU Ci ow CO Officials - Keith Thomas (Kansas State) and Gordon Flick (Drake) warrensburg teachers ( 43) lenox, £ pruitt gregory gimmerman schromm mecrayys bure french pabker greer kansas " b" ( 55) foryst he puller davenport, franklin dye guess alberts whitney nicholson wolfe johnson, : bogie squires fe kelley smith anders on Padgett £gega ftefta pf tp 3-12 4-7 2 10 0-0 1-4 0 1 5-20 266 0 a12 0-0 0-0 1 0 Bell 0-0 5 10 0-0 0-1 1 Oo. 1-6 = Ie 1 3 3-400 1 6 O<7 lef 2 1 O-1l 0-0 2 0 17-61 9-21 16 43 g-ga ft-fta pr << 0-0 oo 80 0 1-5 0-0 2 J 917 2-2 2 “16 0-0 0-0 0 0 2-12 3<3 1 O-1 0-0 1 0 5=8 0-0 4 10 1-6 1-3 1 & 0-85 O-1 1 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 4-11 1-1 5 9 1-2 O-1 1 2 0-1 O-1 0 0 1-9 O-1 4 2 a wa 9 1” o3-84 i ° _ OLYMPIC TRIALS, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, MARCH 29, 1952 KANSAS UNIVERSITY (N.C.A.A.) Pose @ F PF TP Lienhard £ fe. Hoag f 6.2.3 te Davenport = a. £2 0 Lovellette c i 5 3 29 Bern G 0 1 2 1 Hougland g a. 2. 8 5 Keller g h Q 2 6 Heitholt g ° 6 4 0 DoKelley g a 4.4 17 a Smith g ; y 4 2 Squires é O72) & Totals ho 12 30 €&@ SOULHWESE MISSOURI (H.A-I.Bo Hamilton f£ . 4. } 8 e ert | _ Julien ° _ = & i; Anderson g 2-5 & il Duckworth g ® 2 4} 6 Thomas e. aie Totals 21 23 14 6 SCORE BY QUARTERS- KANSAS UNIVERSITY 21 - 30-20-21, @ SOUTHWEST MISSOURI 12 =16=23=1), 65 FREE THROWS MISSED=- KANSAS U., Kemney, Lovellette 2, Keller. SOUTHWEST MISSOURI, — s h, dulien, Anderson 2, Duckworth 3, omas 25 OFFICIALS- Graig and Ogden oe 365% NCAA ALL=TOURNAMENT TEAM March 25=26 Edmundson Pavilion Forward,....eBob Zawoluk (27) St. John's Forward...eeeJohn Kerr (13) Tllinois Center....++eClyde Lovelette (29) Kansas Guard,...seeeeRon MacGilvray (24) St. John's Guard,..eseesedim Breder (10) Tllinois Dean Kelley (XO) Kansas Second Team McMahon (7) St, John's Bill Lienhard (6 Konsas Forward oo oe oo RARER LAOREET SRK ay Saerkextikera Center,.....eHerb Schoenstein (5) Guard..seeeeeChorles Hoag (5) Guard...e...sdim Young (5) LOVELLETTE was: the only unanimous choice Santa Clara Kansas Stxoctek Santa Clara MGT VALUABLE PLAYER BALLOTING Cigce bovellette, Kansas, .ccsceseel? Ron MacGilvray, St. John's..,..e002 2 JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL Iowa State vs. Grinnell Ames, Iowa February 5, 1952 IOWA STATE (76) FG FI FIM PF TP OGRINNELL (61) FO FT FR FF TP Frahm, f 3 @ © & 6 C@pitiigme ti 6¢ &« 3 eG Rosenfeld, f © 6 i: :-4 4 Gee , 8 € 2 6 Franks, f kt Aa 8 2 8 Bit . O° @ 2.3 Johnson, f£ t+ @ © 2 2 “Meet 8lhUhelUmUUCUC LUC Alleman, £ bt 1 8 4° Ss. Bae, « ee Harminsoxt, ¢ : ee O 3 °# Olsen, c oS @ 8 6 8 Koch, c 2-2 0 5 tLandis, g ee > 2 Branscom, ¢ i.0 C0 #6 2 Ribinen, « 2 6 4 25 Duncan, ¢ 6 &. 5 1 16 Norris, g : oe 2 Fulton, ge L © 60 2 © Qe 2 2 8 GLU Wetter, g a © 8 4 8 Ss £ 8 © Postma, g = 4 4 ° § George, g 1 2 0 1 h Erickson, g a Pee => Mu So. Me IOWA STATE o> £+ ui @ = GRINNELL nage BB - a Vic Young and Wayne Snedes cE PVE ERS REFER STATICS SUM Team ci including Game of seunbialinmes teened: CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR GAMES PLAYED TO DATE FIELD GOALS FREE THROWS PERS. POINTS Games|}. Atts. Scored Pet. Atts. | Scored Pet. Number Number |} Number | Disq.* | Number | Average (Won) = (Lost) Player ‘full wame) * Jerry Alberts 9 [6 2 Own Team Totals» ~~~ Opponents’: Totals-~ ~~~ Ee hie “a k* Number of games disqualified on personal fouls.) CURRENT SEASON'S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - (eunchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) . _.__ INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) OT ee Player : ee Date Record Total Points Scored 2 — VS. (FG: Bias Field Goals Scored “ve re ty (No. Attempts ——___} Free Throws Scored” (No. Attempts —__} Free Throws Attempted : bE cai pe 7 (No. Scored... ___} OWN — HIGH MARKS shin fens) LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) f --Opponent— ~~ Record ' aaanaiaent - Opponent Record Field Goals Scored = vs. , 3 Field Goals Scored by Free Throws Attempted vs. | Free Throws Attempted by Free Throws Scored VE oe ; Free Throws Scored by Personal Fouls Against vs Personal Fouls Against NCAB Form No. 55] The National-Coliegiate Athletic Bureau; Box'757,:Grand:Central Station; New York 17,/N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION eens as a raad Cr Cal coca ry Sonera). 2 cle MCVB Eee 4 oe) Lye ee * ) VF “™ GV Vawe ao ea he . J mi x | (OAES) pSwtoua; Lonp VOpSSNenr”™ ~ OWN opp. pereoud); ,Onys * aioe OWN opp. _ 8S pLOme goOLSG as Lise ynome wHowhseq ar pee yome yyewhyeg = pd RISEQ Coa 2emeg Qh nee etternreterememtittaen wiles hina 8G Qoaye 8.9 pd OM LEVW HICH WYBK2 (om oysuee) fOM WWEK2 BA ObbOMEMI2 (CMU qezeurs) Lise [OMT yiembeq ” oo agp. ———~ | Epeeg id | (Me: yuewbe -———) —— a Er yoPaes Cbbouss, pee yocong MOIAIDAYT HICH? (OMM bIVAEB2) ees neem oven ARNO cate slags i CHEBEML 2EV20H.2 2IMCTE-CYWE SEC Oed2 on LE TT tx sr O% "Tauwses queiney ied on Ty vere. BbSS [LOM? POOR boty Gore gcoreg ' 4 i Seen St Aad a = | £OR oy Am] a > Hor LIC pO o% OT Amt LOoGi Lome oc i pore Rey eeOLeg | | | , re MEN 3 : ica | eo \ ro *: : we 8 a Oe IN i s tz 7 ee i. st 8 3 ar as ta | he ia Se = 7 os hah i 1 | a ‘ - oe : "| eauent — Faces we ; bee 1 ie pacing Fe Arwper ganar vps | st pie. d pane —. ‘yaar ete i Oe an: OR ee EMER LHWOM? |iWEBONMDe Veelele| bewe LONTe bOIMie a otc SSR = on | J CNW LIAE Louvre LOK CVWEe brVAED 10 DYLE a peau ete _ REInqua Gawe of — i a COMA AUAR RPSFARSNE PANALBEGE Spey oA, ee ee i a i CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY * Including Game of _Merel 26 _ » Wonclost Record: 26 Bi (Won) (Lost) CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR _»B GAMES PLAYED TO DATE FIELD GOALS FREE THROWS UNDS; AS PERS. | POINTS Games Atts. Scored Pet. Atts. | Scored Pct. Number Number || Number Disq.” Number | Average derry Alberts 9 |6 | 2 | 433 2 \50| 6.4 %9 9 | 6 [0% Player (full name) Everette Dye 16/5 219 |4 | 5 \e75) 45) Br - 08 Bill Heithelt 27/59 14 225 | 33 15 45 . Bill Lie é ped Se von + Retitihieip ee aRmabete seb am ER ee Casi Teun T 3 F 3 ait re 3 yer £ Z ie : ' ‘ sdiaies a 4 Sp a: tials Opponents’ Totals oy oonnnagy ; 85 639 417 | 064 ok? 2 | 42 16 , | ete Cee Bates (* Number 0 games di on personal fouls.) _ oe apa fe CURRENT SEASON'S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS Ly - peers since last report, enter simply eee) Ae fetes ST fe VF ru? INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) eee ee taal ~ Opponent _. qs ai : C “as Total Points Scored -... Figs Field Goals Scored ae : Free Throws Scored’ — aca ove. Free Throws Attempted inetiie—-— Ve EE nth mh ‘lee ‘90-14 ifs Secred? 12 —) OWN TEAR HICH MARKS (own offense) “© us * LOW" MARKS BY OPPONENTS!(own defense} — ~ Record | Opponest. Reeord Field Goals Scored * Neprs & Restate 97 "Field Goals Scored by ———teglel eerie " Free Throws Attempted Vs. —game——- Free Throws Attempted” by —_-S ame Free Throws Scored - —sore orn _ Free Throws Scored by —.--- J —— Personal Fouls Against = vs. __S ame. Personal Fouls Against Santa C per 2m NCAB Form No. 55! The National Coll giate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand Central:Station,; New York I7,.N.Y. - Be th (OVER) as © OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION bit “Hise ces Kansas —ess |, ote Santie, peaaree “Hove 79) TINDDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT: "a ‘sae te 9 ae ee [_geerrers (5A | 20. Te Pee | 22, Te eo) pe t oOo r*e monoeee Dae §=O'sr se 2 ya ¢ oe tue Ot Be Te | *g yas ts Seiten hee a hee Be: . £ ‘3 + ote ey & Ts * , e ei TO tiene O~fg--t— a. es i et etn ta saiiali 90-30-40 Te "28120-17800 80-8 20 ee me yyeeeres 668lUlelClUlU Sl kel €¢ 6 sl leo «Unt lo 8 elle lM = = ~ Fig, Pee 22h 2 color « cea “oe (Sy Vai8t eB ite vee 6 ey Fo el CHAT? LAE LOLWT?e toe CYWE2 BT VAED 10 OF =—S ee Oe Signature of ia Offical . = Vee Kangas (Wea) (Lost) r _Player (fll ee °) FIELD GOALS FREE THROWS UNDS PERS. FOULS POINTS QO ‘ T43 C Oke Games|] WAtis. | | *Sepred) fi Pet.” | - Scored | Pets 1° Number Number || Number Disa.” Number | Average iva Bieta. ood Mey) Bod @ hod8) &-12. Bool, bd Oe & Le? 2Tup Tees : Everett Dye... a4 - “39). 023 : 08 oe | a Tors “9. 9 aS Bili Hedtholt 62 120 75 |, 4 [gl 2e |e | 29/0 |50 jer wes Jomson....__— & BF PAB 9 7.05 Le M4 il o , . \ a9 | | ~ Own Team Totals: <= os — pectic . | Al Opponents’ Totals. | * games disqualified on personal fouls.) @ @ OQ pF a) >. i ij = Ze Doi rs ft ed SSH i Fie MU RI RDS fA un = lhaphanaed ie ee report, enter uae i 12 mage A ery E iy Soe ‘Ne a re : eer eh Ee tm Zi “ergy, MDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) ~ ia : Opponent - Date er get meee wi eee me een (E-Ten so (No. Attempts. —__ 4g a aR OO nicer maimiennnsiil tt Se a coro Parson Fouls Against vs. Phase a st 3a ts Persona! Fouls ASGEGI NCAB Form Ne. 551 The National, Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand Central Station, New York 17,.N. Y. (OVER) — OFFICIAL: SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION perzouag; pone yG ORB cit semaines — inne ane rial ebieabinibii bp BLECMECH ,ore ~-6PPONENT LABS, Lom: QooReG yh Sane ; % LAGS JULOME vBaylor IG Goa soaeg ** — Denver oe NG iakeDege Ea or baleen qaas.iutiome gooweg- pa ELGG [pLome Sennen ee nee nan pee inte Pow Pe GOue POOLS = Oklahoma # Ove eee Cpobs Ovbele gn ESCO BS") 47 OB SNE HAA POMm ue YB) 5 (i é~ mG ik _ Kansas State. # by 78. 61 140° Ao" eH s3boge eee —_ = ey o% PSs gay r Fa * re res : a * .. #3 a , Sree Ae VF ow jae Fe e8- (yo yuewby ga - ip 5 a / Coe eet LMIG Bove eMU 5 = = - Be seengenie — we rn Sele abe = é — : ~ - — E £2 Pye et ee meee < oF pce y ela J asi ae . bans a4 ¢ COLS : ‘ Az? ttw i> ei LOR Rice piwaen 68 aces 48 Oe SOUS rye5e Were — IADIAIDIYT HIGH? (OAAM bf'VAEB2) Use 2 - iene 6. i iil li oy ‘al 048 Solorade @ cong agy2ow, 2 ao WECO ED = : Piasipes Gh. Gaus SP Ge wea Hap Lis GY BELVO wy pore” he + yey RoR grt a ee we aE nate we a dies i at ye AS te “ee a ae ‘eq xs Tr a tak sy =o NY wae eA e2 ea ae b.O2 96 “60 O68 gb 65 7 vhe ceo | i. Po. SO... Bi SS Se ee ee 590) eer 70 ‘se i 3e ‘se sinsience ay ae. Be 22D ee it g 48 o a4 7? . HACRORR” ~~ Tthn 6 7o.% ¢ ‘de 4 3 gt wea ree Acree Tele x “18.2 ab. 29 —2- 34 - 2a | Pi Og ... = . 4 ca . ks. fxg" ner e = * ; a ee. 00.1 22 TT 927. Be 2e. -ae.97 9... we. hi OLLA VIPS 8; @.8 2 @€ 8 6.8.60 & s 4 hone Sees : a dole — —— Sosa a am SL NE 4 Seon — e = nm c amt ~asootee — a ; ; [let eerer eek FSR ETI § 2% o ri s ef C4765 Zier 2% Toe it cr ys x Y aise 242 FE SAG : 2 wW E2 inf VAEM LV UY LE = &)3e8 es ov) a pp Class wBOC oO: j= ay . ‘ Z soi) ewes —_—_—_—_—_——_ er yen Ou : ; FUCINGWE CGWS ” Be t : rd | . Signature of Reporting Offical ee a CAWATVLIAE RV2KEABVIT 21VLI2LIC2 2NWWYBA. ~~. “ 4 a Nie ee mmo. -g,! ‘leap « CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY Kansas Including Game of Febs 25 '52 Won-Lost Record: 419 = ‘ - vate 22 (Date) (Won) (Lost) CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR _—"". GAMES PLAYED TO DATE | Shines (Sulbaaien) FIELD GOALS FREE THROWS PERS. FOULS POINTS Games|} Atts. Scored Pet. Atts. | Scored | Pet. Number Number || Number | Disq.° || Number | Average Jerry Alberts 8 6 2 4| 2 5 |9 | 8; O| 6| 8 See : _s 6 | 26 169 Bverett Dye | 11/16, 3 sf 4 ei 1) 0) 9. 6 Bill 4eithelt 21) 60 ll of -. e|. 99 0) a7. 2 43 |. 0| #066 ‘Own Team Totals ~~~ . 21 | 81 7 21 03 65-682 on personal fouls.) Opponents’ Totals: =~ GoTeLsge © CURRENT SEABON’S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS oes acorn (i unchanged since jast report, enter simply “uachanged”) nae XG INDIVIBBAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) eer Player _ Opponent Date Recore Total Points scone? sass a... we (FG: - FT: ) Field Goals Soin — seme — oe i (No. Attempts ___} Free Throws Scored a . Ae “py ~ (No. Attempts seed Free Throws. Attempted Spit . same V$ic. (No. Scored . —__} oe FaBIIR OH MARKS (own WRRR) Th LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) Opponent “Record Opponent Record Field Goals ss ScoRPBACH, ae » 5S Field Goals Scored = by — = Free Throws Atempwily om on BBES pa i Free pee Auiingte, by 22 — Free Throws Scored ih senses —————— _._ Free Throws Scored _ by Personal Fouls Against vs. i a ~ Personal Fouls Against — NCAB Form. No. 551 The National. Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand\Central Station, New York 17, N.Y. OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION a ae ee 2EKAICE aaa Ot LHE Cabal aA saps Ee ceca disc ViCvE'E Ye 22) iyo a bad AE PWVE = hs | - i (OAEK) beouay pone y Cenc” Sa perona, pone yOu : OWN opp, LAGS jiOme scoLeg a BORE. scons "> eG jnome gemieg = «ws iA Lice jnome yuouayler oo gpg BF + ec Missouri p> ———~s— a Leg Goa? some ae WS}q Qa pooLeg pa. ccnspeaipecranioe Denver 84 53 ty | ee eevee sical Spe bomeey Spee Creighton’ °° 865 47 [OM WVBK2 BA ObbOMEMI2 (mu qejsuze) a dhe cianenie + iieabe beh SE Ep* OME? LASS jMLOme 3 — - Lei9 Coo cca — seme -- ae | 58 aB7 pe aeeieiniad eenneoreN rte ome fun spgpetsinye LOPS} Homize oe. —— sane 3 “48 = ee a ae ZIPS. Codovea, ToPee gecorg use pg MOLAIgQYS. HICHe (OMM bIVARE2) | eared og acct rehous* aupes eravby (A... ane. yest ei ee = . am emeencneetiome Colorado @ we ee amere-evwe BECOBD? —Kensas State.@..._.490°"88 (“ory asiakaalia “Ts | ihn | 8 a ‘Tee-PA*2 Te searing ge eee ae " iene: popcys i __Missouri @ _ Cyau “oe i. end err —aeo Tee t48) “ST _T#es-26"% ten te ene ener antenna ann pret : i Sp acne ate ——senwwee went ei Cees oo | roe one 78-3 _*69- i a A a ¢-TOi TT¢ *ad 604 —22 -ai—-0- ag ieee ae Sees eos Swans | a oe 2 | %—o 20679" Tre “er *2e- "or —20 8088-20-88 9902 ma "893-0 "00-8 0 8-0 3 "8 pecan a iki 66 . —§4— “Tq = stil | & oe a hs. ee oe ee fe tt ee Be Py earey eng 1@ Big “e¥en ‘tourniiment, 'f Big Seven conference game” Gyan y7e--joet—-—77- ~ ADDITIONAL’DATA, COMMENT ~~ -—__9e—-Be 3 peg BF gPTEPOTO Sy) eo #57 "86 90 re GO S@ 8 8 0 2h ae +H ‘ peenernenaniopne a ~+- someones ont 4 coed te le eee " ; j BASLE PS HAe wT . Te) 2 "73 ¢ 2 “32 ¢ —-] | Toe 8 2 | — - peteck-meReR rene YE Se » 2h ee ee ae ee ee ee se 7 *O) | | 9-4 on Jo -oe 0 “sg 82-72 en 40 —gise-—s—2e- gee Wipe es | | # @ S "ss ¢| S&S ‘eG 8 0 Cl Oo; ¢| 2 | ITS = Ty Se a SS ran eagg Cavan oe ise g ee Ties SS as — regen wasdies theo pS ranch ee erwer; yr ; gemeq | Bee H yee | peoseq | ber f maior i; imps: | pied, | pyewps | ye onal hi ; ewwG ianuspedt Maasithrisealiaweimtaie - mate th even at _ _—— ne se se ” a nnn { oe . Herd © ovre : EBEE LHBOME EBO! nube|veeiel2| debe tOnre | bolle | eee netstat ante tre eoenepiseene eee treme erert : SN oe aan al aia “Tinapery (aev) (ron , | cnwan WLIAE Louver 2 bOB |: ST CVWE? brVAED LO DVIE o saw yaneee, : ov peers Qawe OL ape Be BS pane ae Cnr IVIAE BY2KELBVT r eLvLeLice 2NWWVBA Pelirenne : gs eet gene phage es rs guia me ea KANS&S ni OR —“ CHART Team (Won) (Lost) (number) PI (full ) Number FIELD GOALS > FREE THROWS REBOUNDS|/ ASSISTS} PERS. FOULS POINTS ee nome Games|} Atts. Scored Pct. Atts. | Scored Pet. Number Number || Number - Disa.” Number | Average Jerry Alberts |8 | 6 |.2 255 4 | .%2) 50] 5 «| 971.8 | O 6 | 8 - “—|18133 | 10°\(30 | e2 t15 \.eel se | ¢ tog io tes ta. 90 oO} Larry Vavanpert | isl o7 Pre arpa’ ba a pool rae ef ge ty te tee ele Everett Dye (/11).16 | 3 o19] 4/5 J075.4 (2/2. 1.0 ).9 | 8 $i; % Gg { me i 28. & pick e : a ws | alae Vee - 5nd , Bill 4eitholt 20] 50/11 |e22] 26 115 | «5a 24 8 28 O 57 |1e9 i____Gharlie Hoag 10 | 59 36,27 IV gu yemies 15-24 11 25 12,5 Bill Hougland.°“)'s0'138 5a]. 50° ase | 35 | pbllyok Lee leg Pe [ays in | \ FF ero ts CCS Ta v- ames | 7 ot Wes Jonson 12/4 | 21.50] 6 | 3—.60}—%—+-#+ 5 |-0-—-] 7-t-<6 J “oh Keller 16-22] 21.17] 6 | 4-+»671—10 2; 18 |-0 8-135 elley Bi 291,20 | 2 | 6 | 901 ¢ Q--9-—-0 21-43 __ DeanBeliey"» [20 igre | a0l.s6 | 40 leo | sol sa lee Iss 131 lioglsts Rab Seaver. 20.270 | 105/239 | 100) 86-|}.86]/ 82-}-19°-}45 |-O~—| 206/14.8 Bill Lienhard 18-175 53/250 42| 29~)s697-71 o2 | 50 } 135) 705 20 44 POS e477 t5L 169 e727 235 oO 172 5 Sel (2b6oL Daeg eet Sas ee +8 ae 35-+-8-1505] 10-4 —_|-9 0] 24] 128 avennes Squiresi2|.14 | 4—),29 | 2 | 1-}s50}-8-—}2-—}10 -|-0 9} .8 Dean Wells 1-0 | -Q+»00 | 0 | 0-}se0}—-e——0-}_ 0 |-2—| 0-}s0 Obi M4, 20H PO At Own Team Totals G+ 20 |.1584-528. 038) 491| 546).70| 720} 175447 | 16-|1402-7061 | 20 j302.| 425] 33] 466 | 303-1665|~-64 Opponents Teewase ar er isbs| 44d) “Gi yusglsre (wesl esr Lier 49s | oy Lee Seek (* Number of games disqualified on personal fouls.) C 49 & ee . seaprintty aa an GPR ea REE SAGAR BA De tins us iiie ttre: HS ps ca eee iter ofa uethanc aj ince last re ort; eater tm ; “unchanged” ee pgasuiaeen® oe . S f : 5. “ ARGS “ah waa Sa fs Poetayhh ee FONG A a a Date “yt Total Points Scored _ = i (FG: FT: (No. AHempts ———___} (No. Attempts ——_} (No. Scored ..._____} NAA pet _ OPPONENTS (own defense) oc Number Field Goals Scored Free Throws Scored | Free Throws Attempted __ same , ia OWN TEAM \ HIGH MARKS (own offense re Field Goals Seite __ vs Nabe. S we ate-B7— Field Goals Seed py ltt ——_—_— Freé Throws Attempted ~ vs. a = Free Throws Attempted — by same = Free Throws Scored Le Gt ei ERP EOE et EY BI ae i Personal Fouls Against, va a Personal Fouls Against | same ° i. NCAB Form No. 554° ! The National’Coll egiate Athletic Bureau; Box:757,\Grand’Central'Station; New York 17,°N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SCORES ¢ OF. GAMES SS PLAYED To. DATE OPPONENT 3 8 Be OWN | opp. ~ Y OPPONENT @aC own opp. Colorado @ % p76 ea “Senses State ee apo i yt) : a A al ate =Snsas Stabe % BOOT on 88 (OB) oo ~~ “ TT teh A meee BO nee onal carl oaalen Oklahoma # f a 71 | 48 Mis sori af ‘Leo 59 Nebraska 4 9 »§©6©6 ; — Feit wi is 7 * YJ ae OO 0 QO tN = “— O _—_—_—— . renee Sj fuser Mm. $1555] s | plea es ito |o al—*s : : * 2 whirl O — “Ore -TORPETe ia M ve operate rT pee “=. “Towa ah ace ce ° Silja io © 09 }
2el Own Team Totals © 9 9) Opponents’ Totals) © Peay « ~ Belt o oper al Orn yaiensstee "seE es E103 ie 2b USS 57.7 Si ep x CURRENT SEASON’S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - ey ~(iFunchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) 7 : INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) '-~ Player — Opponent Date Number TotakPoints Scored ————panay YS. (FG: FT:___} Field Goals Scored ___ game. Vs. (No. Attempts ——__} Free Throws Scored OT care A vs. (No. Attempts ———} ne Free Throws Attempted te ' Vs. (No. Scored ...—___} OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS Guia oflense) LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) , Opponent» Number Opponent Number Field Goals Scored V5, aang Field Goals Scored by __feowe Stete -_j9 Free Throws Attempted “ys. —_ ame Free Throws Attempted by __ S823 2 ‘Free Throws Scored VS. —__g ae Free Throws Scored by —__-. ie Personal Fouls Against vs. __ SMe Personal Fouls Against sane NCAB Form No. 551 The National-Collegiate Athletic Bureau; Box:757, Grand) Central Station, New York 17, N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OPPONENT OWN OPP. } SCORE SCORE OPPONENT OWN ; SCORE Se ebeee ty dined ki ~ ake BREE ae men ~ FRPP PERE ORE RES cae Se B teig “— = " Reaslt 35 : p | ; et | ' — a mS 4 a f ? * © he) pe re - ee Sy at ay hy 2 Fe ae = ed ener ey ys <> is Ay a’ Bea bRh ok hk ~ti taal «tana conference pla a a Lovetette * 24'potsts ~ ga: or: pointe in itis aioe He hes —— ‘the “34 diaiy! ‘tipee tt " a eat» od wens me ree high total of Sa ap BF ( ee | Eee RE ee ier semonainaeni ‘ a os vs 5 magni ji ite as + LA Signature of Reporting Official é 5 bt AG at “ft x x Py ’ x a PG GAcie gs CUMULATIVE. BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY KANSAS UNIVERSITY -. . January 30 13 2 Team including Carle of 2 - WoneLost Record: — — . on st CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR a GAMES PLAYED TO DATE > © (number eset aes Noakes FIELD GOALS | _FREE THROWS _[REBOUNDS|ASSISTS] PERS. FOULS POINTS Games Atts. Scored — . Pct. Atts. f Scored ‘Number Number}! Number Disa.* Number | Average ce oe a 20/1, i to be le ae € ke Fo us e | 2 ta, be z : 9 ¥ Ge J 4 . eee a > a Beh be Pes ' 32 —— mina mo i ae ieee SES € Pee 4 tN e . ? £ 5 me IOS Hohn 4G) SE Wa eee ~ 9 2 1 Ted 2 Squires, LaVannes well, Dean. oe » BE Be |. o ae An fo NO re Ww . wr oO clo ew) OM oo ohn [Hol o° in Li o % ie, Li La al F ae Pytrie Own Team Totals eee — an re Opponents’ Totals: = 15, 100 330) ‘ _(*Number of games disqualified on personal fouls.) _ CURRENT SEASON'S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS : (if unchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) INDIVIDUAL HIGHS. (OWN PLAYERS) TAS 7 Player - eo: Opponent Date Number Total Points Scored _ iets oe a wo Ge (FG: ee Field Goals Scored . <" — ve | ; (No. AHempts ———_} . Free Throws Scored : wane - ' ¥Sy 3 is (No. Attempts ——_} Free Thees ns ALAIN YS. . (No..Scored ...—____} “OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS (own Sienen) Vs Low MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) ~~Opponent ~~ < Number. - Opponent Number Puld Goals Srored 3's sane) : Field Goals Scored sb st @ . i a “gan - - Free Throws’ Attempted vs. _____gamg-—_ Os ~ Free Throws Atieanted . by sate Free Throws Scored —s Vs. sane ms Free Throws Scored > Personal Fouls Against : Personal, Fouls’ ‘Against : " NCAB eet, 55h. 2 FAL nie Collegiate Athletic. Bureau; Box757,: Grand: Contrat'Station;) senate eo ees » (OVER) OFFICIAL TTT BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC creer 4 | Bn botnets ete anion i we. CSTE LD ae ACS GN ronmRe aay SESE ANE. oS EE Fetes tt Aw (OAEB) BBO L, SLAG ips) ee ee ee L.Si20UG) Lome wows Sal - OPPONENT OWN opp. ° ‘2 “OPPONENT OWN Opp. aie aia : is fs sa ‘ stascaind SCORE. initia ‘ a ~ = SCORE - SCORE LASS LO RAS - St} Az ‘ ES tig jvLome eeu. SG RA dade erm. : Lie o“Baylor eer — ke amie jpLome yHowhyeq hoe va riba MeN NARA PRON MOEN ERE iN NE PA “See bi@iq Goa ane — = ears copes 2 ecoLeq Sees oe inion nver EIe}a QOa pa - . Obbove,___. oom Er a . wen) MES ee ips Creighton HIGH WYK 2 fom oo" uz) ht d A- W WEK C2 BA ObbOMEM Le | {ry IM GPSISU aa t Lice | rUMr yTPeMbyET 2 5 — [pe-geoueg —— bbe i SMU... _pame'. 7h ; i. i“ es een Ae” yWHewbye Eei4 oop’ eT. eer — 58 : S7 . es iwc Wi swbyz 1°49] LOM2 StoLreg — ; a= ee eo ea eer eee . ae cS - = Rice. HADIAIDEY! ni - ne ad SG HIGH? (OMM bIVAEK?) USC * ouget shih ocusysuied pce ea Y3se = 88. a a mh i oer ou Gelzoua: on . *Kansas State Cr Oil nae ~ “Missouri — MS AALL TSC 1 ies s Nad = = 3 2 .i rt Tew “Ta 238. . ist ~—#Missouri—— : + Ku sere Leah rasan capnilea di > Virose’. 9on! : a CAWATVLIAE LOLWT2 LOL oe ‘ore ecu sate oe aeyeeinenene weruirs f Z TAERPILZ ; CNWNTVLIAE BY2KELBVIT 21 qucingiua Came oj ewe 30 Signature of Reg Vilelice enWWwY¥BA ; ‘ seca a rmseere coowners Fett BOUNDS! AS FOULS POINTS . Atts. Scored | . Pet. Atts. | Scored | Pet. Number Number j| Number | Disq.* || Number | Average erry Alberts e/a ssi 3/2) ss 5 10] 7] o/s | Player (full name) 27 Own Team Totals” = Opponents? Totals 7 OPO law | 4 sie Numbenes games disqualified on personal fouls.) fs a it et i, | | ‘ eit £ . preeners since last report, enter simply svchenged™ ee be +e p, Ob 6.0 sat i “INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) me a7 {36 Bo : =: F lds ALENT OPPS ER EN Dat eae ans aera Son cass Total’Points Scor ees ee a (FG: Pi.) Field Goals Seoted _ same - ent en (No. Attempts ——_} Free Throws Scored —____ SAI@ x ae _ neliniecancim foci, A ne. | Free Throws Attempted fame 50. ae seeing: _»~(No.:Scored- —-____) “OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS (owl Offense) “TA en LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) alien Opponent — te _ pt Mamber Ppeenane Number Field Goals Scored vs. — ea Secsiieeiads Field Goals Scored bY —eame | Free Throws Attempted vs. Free Throws Attempted by —__#am@ Same , Free Throws Scored si ae Same , Free Throws Scored by Baylor & Nebra. lic inst vs. : , Personal Fouls Against Personal Fouls NCAB Form No. 551 The National'Collegiate Athletic, Bureau; Box'757,iGrand/ Central Station, New York 17, N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION aay Tint ee a TP > EES OPPONENT Baylor | SCORES OF GAMES PLAYED TO DATE OWN SCORE Heanor OPP. SCORE $\e\3 Cretgtition: “I 4 Rhee anwerwmentrtere “eocrpeomnma ees etree ae erm see aey f SRIF * * ae Si hy e28t sa a OPPONENT OWN , ~~ SCORE: - see = x ¢ mmntnreeSTS {ADDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT te ee an = don pierce opp, . SCORE Signature of Reporting Official CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY Team _Univ ‘sity of Kansas including Game pp. ~Won-Lost Record: a 2 ake on ost 7 CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR ____. GAMES PLAYED TO DATE ROWS UNDS PERS. FOULS POINTS Games Atts. Scored Pct. Atts. Scored Pct. Number Number |} Number Disq.* Number | Average ’ 6 “Player (full name) Dye, ONY, ©9088 | LRe| so Heitholt, Bill Johnson, wes. Lienhard, Bill Lovellette, Clyde (* Number of games disqualified on personal fouls.) % GoyoLsEgo CURRENT SEASON'S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (Ifunchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) waren ONT ts" . se INDIVIBBAL HIGHS oo PLAYERS) 5 : ayer pponent ate Number Total pelt ee " = (FG: FT:___} Field Gom SEP LN WeemodTar of Bas (No. Attempts ——___} Free Throws BUAtp ‘ nae TOOT aE Ae ‘Sy (No. Attempts —___} Free Throws Attempted VSe (No. Scored ...____} GWRTERRPIGH MARKS (ows@ense) ih Low MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) Opponent Number Opponent Number Field Gools seer sare St 22 Field Goals Scored by : et **< % ae 4 i. ce dj mtticahenmee ee wl Ce. £5 * % a Same é ZS Fts? s * + a i ey Ss ig . a ~ a : = ew ENT . - ' t 7 we } Piet a apy 2 _—_—— rhety ‘y oa 2 = = - rere - ’ 7 & i 4 « ‘ ms vag: ta " ¥ if -. * Pade gig ae, i tw sf Bw R Bt ae 9 : _ i 1? es eg be e< 2 = # i>? er can eet gin digs gin, * : a ISG) shen Fi e% es “e ex: , - ; ' ‘ es CDR PO dr SO poeyred £4 Ke or = el ceeeere enn ‘ADDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT -° ¢—-o¢-9-—\—-a8+-0" 4 x “o> | a a Tt t eas ¥ ek s ha if 4 ae K-State now poten records. O14a- vesord- against Denvete SO free. 's against USC new Gad recorde * Lovellette tied modern r with his in 1946 age inst een: at | free ‘throws at that time 6 ° r* a, ‘= % : eee owe +3: GaP es thege <5°. 5 Vege ‘ CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY oO Renee tindvorsity including Game of _peg<-4—— WonsLost Record: — ®pa a) iow CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR GAMES PLAYED TO DATE : Player (full name) ~" TNumbe FIELD FREE THROWS EBOUNDS PERS. FOULS POINTS I Games Atts. Scored Pct. Atts. | Scored Pct. Number Number || Number Disq.* Number | Average 7% Ca Own Team Totals Opponents’ Totals on CURRENT SEASON’S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (If unchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) . INDIVIDUAL HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) Player Ve Opponent Date Number Total Points Scored . “ : Field Goals Scored - ei E st Deowla a2 eek : i — cage Level lette Southern Wethedist Deo-14 18 o - — VS. (No. Attempts -—_} Free Throws Attempted — - ¥S0, (No. Scored ..._____.} OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS (own ehcae) LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) = or and, @ yiNumber ' Opponent Number Field Goals Scored vs. Bite! Mat he —S1_ Field Goals Scored by _Same Free Throws Attempted vs. — Ul “33 Free Throws Attempted by _Rkan same Free Throws Scored VS. Seine Free Throws Scored by _ Same Personal Fouls Agunir""*;, Gieg OM OE Personal Fouls Against Same NCAB Form No. 551 The National'Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box:757,/ Grand’ Central Station; New York 17,.N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION "SCORES OF GAMES PLAYED TO DATE OPPONENT OWN opp. OPPONENT OWN, opp. SCORE SCORE agen GSR SCORE 68 48 aie -ADDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT ~ _ The 42 eaten by Lovellette against Sout hern Mot hod ist established @ new Z individual high mark ‘by him as well as being a new school single game records ‘The former high was 39 points hela by Lovellette against Mis s uri in 1950. Signature of Reporting Official CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY Team_Kayege g —— —__ Inchiding Game oO Beye Bg Won-Lost Record: tos co n) u 2 CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR __10_ GAMES PLAYED TO DATE FIELD GOALS Scored FREE THROWS Scored Pet. PERS. FOULS Number || Namber POINTS Number | Average Player (full name) Games Atts. Pet. Atts. Number Disq.* Born , det ery 2 MM, 1 Heithe © cs John Keller _ Allen “eri ey 17.74 30 6 41.89 355. 25 Bob fh Bill Lien e “ove annes Dean Wells Own Team Totals Opponents’ Totals - 1 disqualified on personal fouls.) AS ag _ pty 6 RECORDS pli Sta se Hed os ente? “unchanged”) wget YERS) P nw ( Date Total Points Scored —--.. ——— VB. i Field Goals Scored: ~~ Oe V5. — ve Free Th Scored vs. v as ei ee ye e ove: ette ~ Southern Cal Dec e22 ee lhrows empte Level tt ao “S0u the Oye TEAM HIGH MARKS (own offense) “ LOW Pry yt BY OPPONENTS sae Opponent ~~ Record ppdas is Seored - . Goais Free Throws Attempted vs. —UsC ~ aI Free Throws Attempted by — re Free Throws Scored ge ae aaa s0- Free Throws Scored on se Personal Fouls Against “vs. —UsSe. = —{o- Personal Fouls Against gers NCAB Form No. 551 The National-Coliegiate Athletic Bureau; Box 757, Grand Central Station;\New York 17, N. Y. (OVER) OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ‘OPPONENT Baylor Southern me hodist 14 Southem Methedist 58 ‘Rice Southern “1 * Colorade + Kansas State « ‘issourd ‘OPPONENT SURE Tat West cre - = fas Ie tr ~& # -- ho ‘= R og ‘ (SE ss cas ds o BP Bos the + 7 as ry, i ‘ © SSS ; ; eve Sa ’ pes A *. : : fri r “32 dene x i ¥z : ; . "Big “even. ‘tournament aitie! & 88 also new Bs : Former mark was 29 ageinst K-State i 398 = free yo Lineoln, ws against UCS.» Charlie B « School record ig 22 set, bj Athletic oye ines i one man shot a bere os di ae s * ~ -* } Sea 7 ; ie j a es r ; . y ky, ’ ADDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT: Ti against. K-State. age ort: pearls h for opponent. 30 (014 rover. 84.5 ! USC new school r ot tied modern record with 1946 err isa) st. tome aia ff 5S8 Ire’ Oa: Signatere Reporting Official emer vee ee cee weomrer ee aereweronar ante omen “ee Me SF ay +s ia tes ie i enna en ®, 4a # 4S: = i | RAR ia ‘ etrnercnee meme teense saree ne a to i 4 ¥ * : A ee Sao Desiree! | ec Orde oy ka at. Seneca City mete lyri * sib ds in aii lh ls CUMULATIVE BASKETBALL STATISTICS SUMMARY Team Kansas—University | Including Game of _Dee~—18—— ~ WoneLost Record: —— z : : on ost CUMULATIVE TOTALS FOR _¢ _ GAMES PLAYED TO DATE : Player (Call setae) 1 NMonbe FIELD GOALS — mee FREE THROWS REBOUNDS} ASSISTS PERS. FOULS POINTS FAY) * Games Atts. 4, Otered Pet. Atts. Scored Pct. Number Number || Number Disq.* Number | Average chu eT ra e612 oe de gt eg te ee 6 arate 6 6a —8 4 3 |-4 6.1) 2) © 66 | 0 : $2000} 20-00} 8-2 oy 63213-43128 671 22 | 34 69 +5 | -s6/+-¢/ 4/s0] 5 43 4-428} 87} 0-0-0082 atool-e1oolo}o|00}-o to Own’ Team Totals tiie “er ; Opponents’ Totals ~ (* Number i games disqualified on partanal fonts) CURRENT SEASON'S SINGLE-GAME RECORDS (If unchanged since last report, enter simply “unchanged”) a HIGHS (OWN PLAYERS) Player 0 Opponent. Date Number Total Points scored. 4 | | Ye . Soubhern-HethedistDeeelA—42 (FG: 3g— FT:-¢—} Field Goals Eowad Clyts Hover iette — VS. " gatnew: Methedt s+ Beeck4—_26 (No, Attempts —39—) Free Throws sored game : i. VS. |- (Ne. Attempts J ) Free Throws Attempted —geme— VS (No. Scored ll \ OWN TEAM HIGH MARKS lown fens) - LOW MARKS BY OPPONENTS (own defense) - SOWA cv ajNumber Opponent Number Field Gools Sores Methodis S1_____ Field Goals Scored same Free Throws’ ‘Attempted Rise | Bs se Free Throws Attempted Xam same Free Throws Scored same Free Throws Scored wane Personal Fouls Against Ride 30 Personal Fouls Against 8 ame. NCAB Form No. 551 The National-Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757 ,Grand:Central’Station, New York 17;,N. Y. OFFICIAL SERVICE BUREAU OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION “SCORES OF GAMES PLAYED TO DATE tS OPPONENT OWN opp. OPPONENT ' OWN OPP. SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE Baylor An i. GrAlghton see 65 Southern Methodist _ 74 Rice 68 48 i sew Denver Wee, 6 5S.. 7 i age 47 coe 51 By, : * % * + oy" * t y F : $ a ‘ } emeeencw eee eee + a £ * eee eee » on 3 é ee cuenta ee > een a 7 Ti ee ; ome eemcenneeree fy “ . eee 2 { fs wserreccs es ry & * £} f f omen eee F ne i . -. ia 4 secretes mean eee * same one WS ef 7 7 * te aa ss ee eee os te . e : «3 a * “ADDITIONAL DATA, COMMENT © q } os 6 is dete Dik. 2 | 7 A : Ke yo ry S ry i G : 7° The 42 points by Lovellette against Southern Methodist established a new individual hdgh mark by him as well as being ‘a new school single game | boa een — S + fy {v4 + et ; iJ 7 O i) QO recorde The former high was 39 points heid by Lovellette against Mis uri in 1950 ° Signature of Reporting Official