health, physical education, and recreation; and it smooths the relationships between specialists and edu- cational administrators. This Association is working on the publication of year-books and has a health education service in its offices in Washington. All these services of the National Association cost you nothing. They come with your membership for the price of the magazines, and these, as I have indicated, are the world’s best bargains. It may be worth pointing out that this magazine service in other professional organizations, such as those of chemistry, psychology, and sociology cost from $5.00 to $20.00 a year, the average being about $10.00. Can you afford not to join? These magazines do not duplicate the field of the Scholastic Coach or the Athletic Journal. They are de- voted to the phases of physical education and health education other than those of competitive athletics. Nor do they duplicate the field of the Service Bulletin. This is a strength, for thus the five magazines supple- ment each other. How subscribe? Send $2.50 if you wish only the JOURNAL, or $5.00 if you wish both the JournaL and the Quarterly, to the Executive-Secretary, 1201 Six- teenth Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C., and ask to be enrolled as a member of the national organiza- tion. This automatically enrolls you as a member of your district association as well. When you write, tell where you teach as well as give your address, and if you really want to receive the magazines, write your name and address legibly.