EASTER! Sing, soul of mine, this day of days; 6th & Neosho Sts., ORGANTZED IN BURLINGTON IN 1860! 80 YEARS IN THE HEART OF BURLINGTON. THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. "A Friendly Church." Burlington, Kansas Minister Carl M. Boyd, , set thy face, — : gra : coe * Pas * The Lord is risen. FASTER SUNDAY SERVICES, April 13, 1941 Behold He giveth strengthoum GHuRCH SCHOOL, Albert Wright, Supt., { ane POC: G. E. Hartrick, Asst. 9:45 - 10:50 a.m. oi THE MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE:11:00 a. m. 1) or. THE INSTRUMENT:L PRELUDE: Mrs. Glenn Winn - for sin, his holiness; jpmigann:80 WORSHIP IN SONG:No. 103 all vs. for conflict, peace. THE CASTL TO WORSHIP: Minister:Again we rejoice in a risen Lord. May our joy be “exceedingly great" and "full of glory." May we, each of us, real- ize more fully than ever before, the mean- ing, the worth, the hope, the joy of the Resurrection! May all the barriers which keep the Christ life out of our souls, be rolled away by hands unseen today. May ‘“. The Lord is risen. — the sun-rising Arise, 0 soul, this Easter Day! Forget the’ tomb of yes- terday, For thou from bondage art set free; Thou sharest in His : Vigbory : Christ ever live in us and we in Him! and life eternal is People: The disciples therefore were glad whe for thee, when they saw the Lord. 2 BECAUSS THE LORD IS RISEN! The Minister No. 98 THE INVOC::TION: THE PRAYER HYMN: THE MORNING PRAYER: THE CHORAL RESPONSE:"We Would See Jesus." ; THE LORD'S SUPPER: TODAY - at 6:00 a. m. the SUNRISE SERVICE The Hymn of Meditation in the Church Auditorium, for the young OU? TIEHGs and Offerings. people, sponsored by the Christian Endeav- mm oppeRToRY SOLO:"The Lost Chord," by or Societies, with a breakfast following. Sullivan, trumpet solo, by Chas. Shull THE SCRIPTURES: Luke 24:13-35 THE ANTHEM: "The Wondrous Cross," by Wood- bury, tenor and alto solo, Harry and Mar- - Author Unknown. ANNOUNCEMENTS. No.145 MONDAY: 1. At 2:00 here the funeral service for Mr. Lee Traylor. jorie McCormick, Wm. Phares, bass solo. 2. Regular Board Meeting at 7:30 pe'm. THE SERMON: "RELEASE TO THE EARTHBOUND." 3. Boy Scouts et 7:30, Robt. Solsby,S.M-. mun syn OF INVITATION: No. 302 ee THE BAPTISMAL SERVICE: 1. Rev. Boyd will go to Osawatomie for a THR BENEDICTION. committee meeting at 2:30 to plan for the kK OK OK KOK KK OK OK OK K OK OK OK State Christian Endeavor Convention. sam WEDNESD:Y: THE EVENING EASTER SERVICE, 1. Co-Worker's Class with Mrs. Wm. Sand- ers, Jr., assisting hostesses:Gillenwater, Clark and Feusner, at 2:00 p. m. THURSDAY: 1. Penny Dinner. 2. Women's Missionary Society at 2:30 at the Church. 3. Happy Hustler's Party. BEGINNING SUNDAY, april 20th, the Church School Attendance Campaign, "America For Christ," with a goel for every class and department. Mr. Wright will explain the program more fully. April 20-July 6th. 6:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. me , A READING "THE LIFE OF CHRIST," from the SCRIPTURES (Goodspeed's vers- ion.) THE ENTIRE STORY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST WITH HIS TEACHINGS AND PARABLES. The Readers:Chas. Shull, chairman of the board ,Marjorie Bowen,Dale Polentz,Mrs. Geo. Chandler ,G.E.Hartrick,Mrs.Robt. Solsby,Mrs. Earnest Bates,Pauline Rife,Raymond Watkins, Dorothy Garrett,Milton Remer,E.Chatelain.