i My Do You Belong to Your National Association? By C. H. McCLOY StaTE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA EAR after year I am both amazed and distressed at the number of teachers of physical educa- tion who fail to join the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, hereafter to be spoken of as the A. A. H. P. E. R. I am distressed by the fact that so few of us are supporting our na- tional organization. From a purely selfish point of view, what do we get for our money? First, we get a real bargain of literature. I have analyzed the 1939 magazines of the Association. For the $2.50 membership we get the JouRNAL oF HEALTH AND PuysicaL Epucation. In 1939, there were ap- proximately 450,000 words of professional material (exclusive of advertising). This amount would cor- respond to about 1,500 pages of ordinary textbook size. If purchased in book form, this material would cost from $12.00 to $15.00, according to the number of tables, cuts, etc. In the magazine we get this material for $2.50 a year. If we were offered four or five 300- Reprinted from THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL Epucation, April, 1941, Vol. XII, No. 4.