GRADE REPORTS The first report of D and F grades for V-le trainees for this term is due in this office Wednesday, April 4, 1945. REPORT OF THE SICK March 24-30, 1945. NAME ADMITTED TO DUTY CONTINUED Pinsky, B. 5=_25-45 5-27-45 TeGrootenhuis, W. D. 3-22-45 Aae24nm45 Liebau, M.D. Ame 5H A5 3~28-45 Smith, C..E. 5-27-45 3-30-45 Sanders, J. C. 3-27-45 3-28-45 Gaede, D. A. 3-29-45 5=30—45 LIGHT DUTY LIsT March 26 , 1945: Black, Gs .vs TRANSFER: March 29, 1945: Black, Cs. Te Blair, Ne Ds Kort, Rs Raymond, B. H. Harold Ralph Bruer was transferred from this V-+1e Unit as of March 28, 1945. Leonard H. Axe, University V- 12 office, Room 2 Frank Strong Hall.