GRADE REFORETS The next regular report of D and F grades for V-12 trainees is due in this office Wednesday, May 30, 1945. Transfers: Robert William Daleen and Walter LeRoy Swailes have been transrorred from this V-12 Unit to Pre-Midshipmen's School as or May 21, 1945. REPORT CF THE SICK May 19-25, 1945. EL AE nm IP ENN” nN NiME a i iieaennennediane Reynolds, Foster Gaede, Leltor Liss, Frederick Ramsay, Rovert Jensen, William Schaffer, Willian Winkler, Richard LIGHT DUTY LIT May 21, 1945: Nims, William Douglas, Charles Smith, Charies i. Joy, Marion Rk. Phelps, Harold 8B. Scott, Closson K. ADMITTED TO DUTY CONTINUED 5-9-45 5-25-45 5-15-45 5-25-45 5-20-45 5-23-45 Bee 5-21-45 522-45 5-22-45 5n2b-45 5n22nA5 5-25-45 5w2AmA5 5-25-45 May 22, 19453 Mische, Lester Turner, Joe S. Kunkle, Robert FPusips, Harold Fackier, Samuel Witherspoon, John Collins, Milford Woerner, Geldard Knuth, Kenneth Jenson, William Leonard H. Axe, University V-le Office.