: January 28, 1946 Eapt. Chester A. Kunz Officer in Charge Navy V+12 115 M.S. Dear Capt. Kunzs Iwant you to know how genuinely we appreciate your splendid attitude toward intercollegiate athletics. I pledge you our untiring cooperation in our desire to impress upon these boys under our direction the responsi bility that they should bear. Wishing your administration continued success, I am Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, ~ FCA: MF _ Varsity Basketball Coach. . November 7, 1945 Mr. J. Neale Carman , University Director V-12 Progran University of Kensas. - Dear Mr. Carmans There are three punching bagitandards up at the present time. They are sturdy and well stabliged. Iwill have the fourth one up just as soon as Mr. Del Davidson returns from Kansas City where he igrat present putting up bleachers for the Athletic Association at Ruppert Stadium in preparation for the football game with Missouri. He should return in a couple of days. I will confer with Chief Gathings regarding what type of standards that he wants for his particular punching bag pl&tform that he wishes installed. It will be a pleasure, sir. Sincerely yours, Director of Piyedaad Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA/1n ‘Dr. Fe s. Alten a of Phys. Ed. er ‘The Navy has_ asked me to request you to have : aa pag standards put up for them. Ch ef Gathings is - authorized to indicate their location. ae the ‘request does not seem reasonable, you will. let me know, won't you? Otherwise, thanks. Sincerely yours, . Neale Carman University Director v-12 Pro 4 ““