(d) Benefit contests sponsored by the American Red Cross, Comunity War Fund, Army Relief, Navy Helief, or the National Infantile Paralysis Foundation may be played as part of annual fund-raising drives provided net profits are turned over to the sponsoring organization. (e@) Games or contests staged as part of government bond drives are also authorized. : : (f) Competition in leagues conducted on facilities off Naval reserva- | tions, directed by Municipal Reereation Department, U.S.0., Inc., or other bonafie amateur non-profit organizations is permitted. For such activities a nominal admission charge is permissible for the purpose of meeting operating costs. (g) Naval personnel are not permitted to compete in games, contests, or exhibitions conducted by promoters or groups operating for purposes of personal financial gain. (h) Participation 4n sanctioned local, district, state, area or other - national championships of the A.A.U. or other amateur athletic organizations is permitted but paragraph 3(b) hereof mst be complied with. (i) Competition with professional teams is authorized only when such competition is staged on the Naval reservation as authorized home field to which competing Naval personnel are assigned or in events covered by paragraphs 3(d) and (e). (j) Individuals or teams (except students and trainees referred to in paragraph 5) competing in any games, exhibitions or contests, off the Naval reservation must be identified as representatives of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard as the case may be. Com peting as a member of a civilian team is permitted while on liberty or leave provided no money is accepted for services as members of , such athletic teams. hie All the provisions above except paragraph 3(b) will apply to participa- tion of Naval personnel in athletic games, contests or exhibitions while on authorized routine leave. However,’ Naval personnel shall not be granted special consideration regarding leave for the specific purpose of competing in athletic contests, games or exhibitions. 56 Student personnel assigned to Navy Academic Refresher Units V-5, or V-12 college units, who participate in intercoliegiate athletics, do so as representatives of the college and not of the Navy. However, students of any of the above programs are not permitted to compete during the first term of ‘their course, except those who have had at least one term of previous college training. Officer or enlisted personnel assigned as members of ships' companies to the above activities or any other training activities located at colleges or universities are not to be considered as trainees or students regardless of whether they may be carrying one or more subjects with the approval of their commanding officer. Therefore, such personnel shall not participate in inter- collegiate athletics as members. of teams representing.a college or university.