DIRECTIONS FOR REPORTING GRADES AT END OF TERM: Io not report F and D grades on the Navy V-le Blue Cards Engineering Navy V-l2e Trainees Report D and F grades on the orange and the red cards sent you from the Engineering Office. These grades are due at Dean Jonest hidge © iT ° TT rt Cfiice, Marvin Hall, by noon on June 26. Pre-hiedic V-l2 Students Report F and D grades to the College Office by noon, June 2Be The red cards for reporting F grades have been sent to you. It will be necessary, however, to call at Dean Lawson's Office to secure the orange cards on wnich to report your D grades. ” Navy V-12 students are going to be pre-registered on the afternoon of june 20, 1944, from 2 until 6. It may be that some of the students in tne tutorial Physics class will be late for their ap- pointment or will ask to be excused so that they may register in case their regularly scheduled classes prevent them from doing so prior to 4:30. ; REPORT OF THE SICK June 10-16, 1944. admitted Name | ss To Duty Continued Robison, J. L. 6-65-44 6=13=44 Day, Ry Gs 6-6444 6-14—44 Bruer, H. Re 6-6-44 6-12-44 Duffin, J. Ds 6-5-44 6-13-44 Hiak, 8. 59-44 Saibud4 Heylman, W. C. 6-9-44 6-13-44 Jacks, J. W. 6-11-44 6-16-44 Wilson, D. E. 6-14-44 “ MeSpadden, H. De 6-15-44 " LIGHT DUTY LIST June 12, 1944, June 15, 1944, 1944, Austin, i. H. Buticr, We FP.» Davis, Fs. He Day, Re Go Austin, Ws He Butler, We Ps Domann, B. E. 4icks, Wa Gy Davis, F. H. Domann, B. He Hicks, Ws Se The following men have been transferred from the V-12 Training Program at Lawrence: ; Gcorgc Robert Martin, James Francis Mullen,Thomas R. Clark and John B, Williams. : University V-le Office, Room 1A Frank Strong Hall.