dune 15. 1944, EAHCULIVE ORDER NO. 21-44 Troms - Beecutive Of 1 2.6cr, Tecss All V-12 Trainces. Subj. . Leave. 1. Trainees may apply for leave beginning aftcr their last schedulcd duty for the term. They may pick up lcave papers when thicy can prescnt chits showing all their books and blankets have boon turncd in. Trainces may not request special cxams from thc faculty to cnablc them to have longcr leaves. as Trainces not being transfcrrcd may apply for lcave cnd at 0600 Monday, 3 July 1944. Pre-Mecdics who have pre-cnrolled may apply for leave ending at 2400, 3 July 1944. 3. Trainecs who are being sercened may travel at their own expense to be rcimburscd at their next duty station, thus avoiding a return to Lawrence to pick up ordcrs. In gencral, “sercenecs" should cxpcet to report at their new station on 3 July 1944. Trainees who wish this arrangement should rcport to Chief Yeoman Conte at once, 4. Trainees going to Midshipman's School will travel on individual orders, to report at various spcecificd dates. 5. Trainees, who flunk out, will be notified of their status on their return from leave end will be separated then. 6. New mon will report aboard before trainecs on leave return. Those on leave should sccure personal gear before going away. 1. Trainces wishing ration certificates should apply at the V-le Office promptly. They should not apply to local ration boards. R. T. Fitzhugh