The note of explanation on the enclosed restriction list prepared by Lt. Fitzhugh is not clearly stated. The men whose names appear on the list are now on restriction for the period beginning July 3 and ending August 2. The list was made up on the basis of grades submitted at the end of the March-June term. Some V-le boys still do not know the names of their instructors. The students would appreciate it if the instruct- ors would in some way make known their names. REPORT OF THE SICK July 8-14, 1944, NAME ADMITTED TO DUTY continued Roberts, E. 7-6-44 7-10-44 Raymond, B. H. 7-10-44 akinner, ht. D, 7-15-44 LIGHT DUTY LIST July 10, 1944, Domann; B. E. Robinson, J. ©. Hill, Ss oRe Coliins, M. Pe Lewis, i. Cherry, J. Jd. Hoefer, G. We 1-14-44 it July 13, 1944 Turner, J. Ss Schaefer, N. C. Domann, B. E. Robinson, J. G. BIL: Ba Be Odilins, M. Ps Lewis, Ee GHerrys dade Hoefer, G. W. University V-le Office, Room 1A Frank Strong Hall.