It has come to our attention that a few V-le students are resorting to certain old tricks and subterfuges in order to be excused from class. Some of the outworn excuses being offered are that the student must go down town to have his picture taken, must attend his grandmother’s funeral, etc, Flease do not excuse any V-12 student from class unless he has a chit signec by Lt. Michelman or It. Fitzhugh. er peer cane. Fs The next grade report is due Sentember 4. This is the regular mid-serester revort and we urge yeu to send all D and F grades promptly to this office. Your csoperaticn will greatly expedite the + — of sending out the report of these graces to the parents of V-1°% students. Transferred from the V-l2 Program as of August le, 1944: corn ¢. Gilzey — Jack R. Tarvin. REPORT OF THE SICK: August 12-18, 1944, NAME ADMITTED To Dutt CONTINUED Robbins, A. D. 8-10-44 8-18-44 Johnson, R. D. 8-10-44 8-17-44 Reid, D. Le 8-83-44 8-14--44 Aarhaus, A. A. 5-8-44 8-18-44 Stone, H. Le 8-8-44 8-14-44 Sanchez, J. Re 8-4-44 J 8-18-44 Miller, E. E. 8-12-44 8-14—4 McDonald, P. A- 8-14-44 8-18-44 Frank, G. W. 8-17-44 8-18-44 LIGHT DUTY LIST: August 14, aes August 17, 1944. é Neustrom, T. R. Neustrom, T. R. Schaffer, N. C. Schaffer, N. ©. Domann, B. E. Domann, B. EB. Lewis, E. Lewis, E. Pence, RB. Gs Zweig, G. M. gweig, Ge M. ; Cherry, Jd. Cherry., J. Dardin, F. Dardin, Fs Hodges, R. H. Hodges, R. H. Johnson, R. D. ) ’ Utiiversity y«ie Office Room 1A Frank Strong Hall.