APPRECIATION ! We greatly appreciate the promptness with which the D and F grades were turned in this month, A greater percentage of the instructors sent their cards in on time then for any other grade report since the V-le Training Program began, almost all the carcs being in on Monday, December 4, the date they were que, and none later then Tuesday. REPORT OF THE SICK NAME Foster, M. R. Blanton, J. We LOmcin, De Fs L@L#h, La ls Brodesceara, GCG. T. Unger, Re Ue smalley, D. Schaefer, D. Raymond, G. R. LIGHT DUTY LIST December 4, 1944, Bienton, Js ils Word, Ne te Fischer, Ge Le Lamkin, Ws Gs Brosius, Fi Harrington, ‘s.Be Lewis, K. R. McCoy, Re ee 8 em er tee te oF i.) eee ching. Me aaaige eh wiciapa cages eacee 0 e eiee a ie alte, Salles anus Sip aan Tener Boe tenns Se eae: ADMIT Tis a ne a RE a me mn et A 12-11-44 12-1-44 11--25-44 le- 5-44 12- 5-44 12- 6-44 12- 5-44. 12-- 6-44 12- 7-44 December 2 - 8, 1944. TO DUTY CONT =NULD 12-4-44 12-2-44 12-8 —44 12-8-44 12-7=44 12-79-44 12-8-44 12-7-44 . 12~8<44 December 7, 1944. Burgess, /+ Pa Schaeffer, Ni C. Blanton, d« Wd Ward , Ne De Fischer, C. Le Brosius, F.. Harrington, We. By Lewis, Ke Rs MeCoy, Rr Lconard H..Axe, | University Director Nevy V-12 Training Program.