MONDAY - MID-SuLMZSTER REPORTS - JANUsRY 3, 1944 Mid-scmestcr grades are duc in the Navy V-le office on Monday, January 3. Please do not confuse the above mentioned roports with those callcd for by the School of Engincering and Architecture. Report all mid-scmester gradcs to tho Dean's office on the whitc cards sent to you by the School of Engincering. Rcport F and D grades to the Navy V-l2 officc on the bluc cards, Pratt, Frederick W., has returned from the hospital as of 23 Deée 1945, Ho will rcoport for classcs; on 5 January; 1944, as ho is now on convalcsecnt lcave. Clark, T. Re <= cxtondod loavce:-duc to illncss. Hlder, G. W. <= cxtcnded leave duc to ilincss. Report. of the Sick Doe. 1i=31, 1965 Name : Admitted Dismissed Taft, de Wi wii « ; Tilburry, Ry t3~7¢244 ee Norton, D. A. 11-25-43 ” Hirech, He H. 11-28-43 12-15-43 gohnson, J. S. 11-26-43 12-17-43 MAliLGS, Di Me: 12-14-43 12-18-43 Seoficid, T. Ne 12-14-43 12-15-43 Cantroll,; G. W. 12-16-43 12-16-43 Proctor, J. T.(Medic) 12=-31+43 Continued Light Duty List -- 30 Deccmbcr, 1943 : Bali, N. £, Some 50 V-12 trainees are going to be screened on January 7 and 5, 1944, by an Aviation Board. These trainccs may be absent from classes on the days above designated. Thcir namcs will appear on the next sick-bay rcport and necd not be reported as being absent.