April 3, 1944. Vel2 Absences in Physical Training, April 3-7 Monday, April 3 - 4:30 Brosius, F. C. (Track) fuesday, April 4 -4:30 Brosius, F. G. (Track) Wednesday,April 5-4:50 Brosius, ?. ©. (Track) Thursday, April 6 -4:30 Brosius, F. ©. (Track) Friday, april 7 -11:50 androes, We I. Hoover, John . Mothershead, John Williams, John 2 £30 Sullivan, Eugene Director of Physical Eilucation. REPORT OF THE SICK April 1 — April 7, 1944. NAME ADMITTED CONTINUED Austin, W. He 5-29-44 Kyle, Je We 3-29-44 French, Le He 3-26-44 Chandler, C. He 3-23-44 Scaleo, Rs Je 5=27-44 Monroe, C. D- 2=26+44 McCabe, Ve Je 4am] +44 Simpson, J. E. Aamn-4—44 LIGHT DUTY LIST April 3, 1744 April 6, 1944 Morgan, B. L. Morgan, B. Le Hawley, Je. We French, L. H. Benedickson, B. Pettitt, Rs A. Harding, W. B. Austin, W. H. Scalzo, Be Je Chandler, C. H. French, L. Ne Hill, Has We Kyle, J. W. McCabe, Ve Je Reid, D. L. April 1, 1944. V-12 Absences in Physical Training, Maroh 27-31, 1944 ae Monday, Marah 27: 11:30 - Murphy, d. Le oo FP eaaee Oster, ds 0. a Y Tuesday, March 28: 93:50 ~ Grant, L. FR. 8. Se Oe Prewitt, Re’ls Langdon, C.’ A. Umbach, ao Gs Nash, C. Ge Houts, R. Cs TOth, Js ‘Ve Prewitt 9 Ry i ® Lungdon, C. As Umbach, ¢s Ceo es Harding, W. 5S. The following V-1le2 trainces have been transfcrred from the Program; John HE. Kinschreff dack McKee Donald Gray Louis E. Raymond Gcorge R. Elliott Leonard H,. Axc, University Director Navy V-le Training Program Room 1A Frank Strong Hall February 14, 1944. V-12 Absences in Physical Training, February 7 - 11, incl. Thursday, Feb. 10 - 10:30: Norris, Merle E. Pederson, Oscar turner, Wright E. 3:50: Amend, Glen Banks, Chas. MeLean, Hugh Director of Physical Education. REPORT OF THE SICK February 5-11, 1944, Name Admitted lo Duty Continued Henrichson, C. B. 1-30-44 2 5 44 Darst, ©. E. e- 1-44 2-7-44 Goodhue, C. E, 1-31-44 2-77-44 Hunter, D. R. 1-31-44 2-9-44 Umbach, J. C, 1-15-44 2-9-44 ‘ Brown, R. V. 1-27-44 2-11-44 Hartman, K. W. 1-18-44 e-11-44 Wells, D, E, 2-7-44 2-11-44 Ryan, H. A, 2-71-44 enli=44 Houts, R. C. 2-65-44 enl1-44 Selde, V. 2-6-44 e-~1li-44 Gar. 2D, i. 2-9-44 2-11-44 Ps riy 74 LIGHT DUTY LIST February 7, 1944 Elder, G. W. February 10, 1944, be, Ge iky tac0ury, Rs Be - TELOUTY, Re Ge *OL be de the SIG, Je Ve Frrewitt, FR. iL Prewitt, Re Ine Johnson, R. M, Langdon, C,. As Cronemeyer, D. C. Hunter, D«R. Langdon, Cc. A, Umbach, J. C. Henrichson, C. B, Goodhue, C. E, On February 3, 1944, Arthur Dale Robbins was transferred to the Naval Hospital at Olathe, Kansas, for medical treatment. It is expected that he will return to the V-12 Program upon completion of treatment. ATHLETIC TRIPS © The following boys left at 11:05 a.m. Monday, Feb. 7, for Junction City to play basketball with Fort Riloy. They returned to Lawr.nce at 6:55 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8. Harold MeSpadden Lloyd Palmer Homer Sherwood * Robert Turner Don Barrington Don Diehl Willard Frank Louis Gochring with the cxecption of Lloyd Palmcr the same group will leave at 9:55 pm. Friday, Feb. 11 to play buske® ball with the: University Of Oklahoma at Norman Saturday cvening. They will return at 6:36. pundeay a.m., Fob. 13, The following will leuve at 1 p,m, Friday, Fob. 11, to participate : in the Track Mect at Columbia, Missouri, Fob. 12. They will return - at 12:20 asm, Sunday, Feb, 13, _ Robert Oliver LUuPrl RoOpinson Ailizsam Sencl. Tom Seoficld VALlliam stewart Di.vid ‘Vhyte Joe Dickey Rolland Hamilton John Hawloy gerome Herr¥gstud Gharics #. Kclicr Robert Lillibridge Hervey Morrow Plcase report all F und D grades for Nevy V-le2 enginecring student: to the Office of the Dean of thc Sehool of Engincering on the red and orange colored curds which will be sont you for this purpose, Pleasc report all F. and D grades for Navy V-le. FPre-Medics to the UlTice of the Yean of the Collcgc on the red color:d cards sent you from Dean Leuwson's Office. lo avoid duplication of cffort, it will not be ncecssary to report Found D gradcs to this office at the ond of the term on the bluc cards customurily uscd for reporting monthly 2zrudcs. All ¥ and D grades for Nuvy V-12 studcnts must be delivered to the officcs of Dean Lawson and Dean Joncs bY 9230 asm,, Fobs 27, 17 NAVY V-12 UNIT NC (308) (P)/V12/P11-1 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 4 February 1944 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. LAWRENCE, KANSAS 2-44 THE FOLLOWING NAMED MEN HAVE BEEN PLACED ON ACADEMIC RESTRICTION FOR THE FEBRUARY GRADE PERIOD. THEY SHOULD SURRENDER OFFICE BY 1200, SATURDAY 5 FEBRUARY 1944. THEIR LIBERTY CARDS AT THE V~12 WHILE CN ACADEMIC RESTRICTION, THESE MEN WILL ENGAGE IN NO EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. THEY WILL BE ON STATION BOU? TION HOUR 1630-1730, MONDAY TH SUNDAY. IF TRAINEES, ON RESTRICTION, ‘WISH TO LEAVE LAWRE APPLY TO THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE THE BASIS FOR ACADEMIC RESTRICTION IS AS FOLLOWS : F, 1 hr. D; 3 hrs. F, 3 hrs D; 2 hrs, Fy 5 hrs: Ds IDS EXCEPT FOR THE AFTERNOON RECREA— ROUGH FRIDAY AND FROM 1330 SATURDAY TO 1530 NCE SATURDAY NIGHT, THEY MUST IR LIBERTY CaRDS, & hrs» Dy 5 -hrs. F; 4 hrs. | + ite F, 7 mee BD, ALL D & F GRADES WILL BE POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD OUTSIDE THE V-—12 OFFICE. ABBE, Richard W. ADDIS, William A. ANDERSON, Ernest W. AVERY, Ralph Le BACHMAN, Joe BAGLEY, Dean BakKER, James R, BakKER, John N, BALDWIN, Harland BENEDICT, Larry L. BENSON, Paul L, BRINBY, Calvin BROWN, Richard CLAIBORNE, Edgar M. COBB, Martin C, CONNELLY, James T, COOK, Ronald R. COON, Leroy E, CRANDALL, Charles DOUGHTY, alfred. W. DREHER, Richard . DWYER, George W. HARLY, James ELDER, Geroge W. ELLIOTT, Geroge ERDMAN, William GENSLER, Bert M, GORDON, Harry E. GRABA, Roy R. GRANGER, Wayne GRAY, Donald L, GRaY, Joseph L. GRAY, Russell GREER, William F, RIMES, Wallace ‘TRUDEN, Frank R, ARTLEY, Melvin R. (UESTAND, Norman iEEMLE, Charles H, HICKS, Wesley S, HIGLEY, Warren A, HILL, Harold HINES, Charles L. HORST, Adam N, HOUTS, Richard HOWELL, Jack R, HUNGERFORD, Danie? ISAACSON, Walter JaCKS, Warren John JANSEN, Alan L, KEELEY, John KENDRICK, Delmar KINSCHERFF, John E, LEE, William A, LEWIS, Ed Parker LUHN, Robert R. LUNN, Charles E, MARSHALL, Stanley G, MARTIN, Victor Earle MC CORD, Francis MC KEE, J. B. MEYER, Robert E, MILLS, Harry E. MOTZER, D. D. NELSON, Robert A. OLSON, James W. ORMOND, Lamar OTTOSEN, Robert OVERMAN, Donald PERDUE, Donald PIERSON, William T, PILLEY, James F, Por? Bs A. RaY, Ulysses J, RAYMOND, Louis E, REID, James G, ROBINSON, Earl F, ROSBERG, R. H. ROSS, James A. SHACKELFORD, John R, SHRAKE, Charles SIGLER, J. P, SMITH, Robert E, STATHR, Donald R, STEWART, Jesse E, STIEGELMAR, L. R. STONE, Homer J. STONE, Richard D, TERRILL, G. R. THORNTON, John W, TICE, Wayne K, UMBACH, John C. VYE, Jack WARNOCK, William kK, WHITTAKER, Harry K, WIDDER, Willard WITHERSPOON, John G. WOLFE, R. M. WOLFF, James H, WOOLCOTT, J. E. SAUBERS, M. D, R, T. FITZHUGH, Lt.(jg) D-V(S) USNR Executive Officer. January 15-21, 1944. LIGHT DUTY LIST Hider, Gs We omalley, D. Es Wolfe, Re Me Rerioot, De lis Anderson, E. W. Stiegeiman, L. Bs ivisan, Ee is BLder, G. Ws otiegelman, L. Be Jelinek, J. D. Miller, Re As REPORT OF THe SICK | Name Admitted TO Duty Continued | Anderson, HE. W. 1-11-44 1-15-44 Goebel, W. F. 1-11-44 1-15-44 Kerfoot, D. L. 1- 6-44 1-15-44 moobins, A. D. 1-14-44 1-21-44 Stiegelman, L. Re 1-13-44 1-16-44 | SisOUry, Rs Ge 1-12-44 1-21-44 | Jelinek, J. Ge 1-10-44 1-18-44 Oldham, W. W. 1-8 -44 1-21-44 Browo, Rk. B. 1-16-44 1-21-44 | Mi lLieet, Hy A. 1-16-44 1-20-44 weustrom, R. T. 1-17-44 1-21-44 Pederson, 0.0. 1-17-44 1-21-44 | Umbach, J. H. 1-18-44 1-21-44 | Black, Rs Ge 1-18-44 1-21-44 | Heartmean, Kh. We 1-15--44 1-21-44 | Tareaii, Ds. As 1-19--44 1-21-44 | scnroeder, C. Hs 1-21-44 1-21-44 | omit, ls Hs 1-20-44 1-21-44 | Malle, Hy ie 1-20-44 }-21-44 { January 17, 1944 January 20, 1944. The next grade reports for the Navy V-l2 students will be due FUBRUARY 1, 1944. | | | REPORT OF THE SICK January 6-14, 1944, tron Neme Admitted To Duty Continued sUulner, Ws Ge 1-4-44 1-5-44 Norton, BD, As 11-28-43 1-85-44 2 LLO0UrY, Re Ge 12-16-43 1-6-44 Oldham, W. W. 1-65-44 - -14-44 noOUbINS, A. De 1-3-44 1-11-44 Pevtsot, De Le 1-6-44 1-14-44 MOiVaGiny Ri Be 1-7-44 1-11-44 PeLanek, ds Ge 1-10-44 1-14-44 anderson, E, W,. 1-11-44 1-14-44 Goebel, W. F. 1-11-44 1-14-44 Tiecury, Re Ge 1-12-44 1-14-44 ouLegclmar, L. R, 1-13-44 . 1-14+44 MaGHT DUTY LIS? January 10, 1944, Palle Ne Be Hldrcr.G. Wy TiLOUryY, Re - Ne Robbins, A. D. turner, W. S-« January 15, 1944, Dail, Be Be. ° Elder, G. W. NGbiveain, Ry Bs mea i ley, Ds. Bs Wolté, Re Me Christ, E. E. (Medic) The following V-l2 boys were out of town with the basketball team January 7-9: Harold McSpadden Don Barrington Don Diehl Lioyd Palmer And on January 11, 1944, the following: Don Barrington Willard Frank Don Diehl Bob Turner Harold McSpadden Ligyd Palmer Homer Sherwood Joe Brasch The next gradé reports for the Navy V-12 students will be duc FEBRUARY 1, 1944, PEEL RENEE TTS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 18, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Robinson Gym Dear Dr. Allen: George R. Elliott has been transferred from the V-12 Program as of February 18, 1944. Si rely yours, K Leonard H. Axe University Director of Navy V-le Program UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 15, 1944. Prof. F. C. Allen, Room 107 Robinson Gym. Dear Prof. “llen: The following V-l12 students have been transferred from the Program as of February 15: Donald Gray Jack McKee _d0hn Kinschreff Louis Kaymond Very truly yours, a Ap Leonard H. Axe University Director Navy V-12 training Program i am te UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 6, 1944 Prot. FF. @. Allen 107 Robinson Dear Dr. Allen, A. D. Robbins was transferred on February 3 to the Naval Hospital U. S. Naval Air Station, Olathe, Kansas, for medical treatment. At the completion of such treatment, it is anticipated that subject named man will be returned to this activity to continue his training under the Navy V-1le2 Program. Very truly yours, rintcudl Ct Leonard A University Director of The Navy V-l2 Program UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 4, 1944. Prot. 2. S$. Siien, 107 Robinson Gyn. Dear Prof. Allen: Samuel Leroy Albright has been transferred from the Navy- V-12 Training Program as of "ebruary 4, 1944. Very truly yours, Leonard H. Axe University Director Navy V-le Training Program. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS January 28, 1944 Dr. Ba Gs Allien 107 Robinson Dear Dr. Allen: James Brygger Baker has been transferred from the Navy V-12 program as of January 28, 1944. Siacerely yours, Leonard H. Axe University Director of The Navy V-l2 Program UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAVY V-12 UNIT LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 1, 1944. Prof. F. 6. Allien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Prof. Allen: John Eugene Puckett has been transferred from the Navy V-12 Program as of February 1, 1944. Very truly yours, A Ope Leonard H. Axe, University Director, Navy V-l2 Training Program. & January 15, 1944. . in Physical Training January V-12 Absences Banoiet, larry Le : ID gD Pe GC. Eohirell, Jack ¢. . dder, 2 50, aaaer .. Sheppard, ubert Zimmerman, Jack randa C. * il, Gc, sehen, "B, Jae oe als : V-12 Absences - January Monday, January 10: Tuesday, January ll: ' 93350 1:30 10 = 14 Johnson, Ralph C. Benedict, Larry L. Cousins, Donald Vertrees, P. C. Schroll, Jack C. Wednestey, Jdmuary 19: tooth oe Jireh 3 os Thursday, January 13: 9:30 11:30 1:30 Friday, January 14: 8:50 10:30 Widder, W. G, Botts, Thomas Sheppard, Hubert Zimmerman, Jack Crandall, C. C. Johnson, R. Ce. Norris, M. Ee Thornton, John REPORT OF THE SICK January $-14, 1944, i Name _ : : Admitted” To Duty Continued Turner, W. S. 1-4-44 1-5-44 borcon, D, As 11-28-43 1-6-44 S1.00ry., Re Ge 12-16-43 1-5-44 Oldham, W. W. 1-65-44 © : s0vving, A. D, 1-3-44 1-11-44 eeerroot, Ds le 1-6-44 peeetvaicg, Rk, E. 1-7-44 1-11-44 eelinek, J. G, 1-10-44 Anderson, E. W. 1-11-44 mocbel, W. Fy 1-11-44 wiibury, ey, Ge 1-12-44 ae bs Re 1-13-44 macnn. DUTY List | - watluery 10, 1944, mail, Ne By Eldrr,°G. We ilbury, Re Ne Robbins, A. D.« Turner, W. 8 7 | January 13, 1944, Ball, N. E. Elder, G. W. McElvain, R. E. Smalley, De Beet moOliTe, Rs. Me Christ, E. E. (Medic) See The following V-12 boys were out of town with the basketball team January 7- “Fi Harold McSpadden Don Barrington Don Diehl Lloyd Palmer And on January 11, 1944, the following: Don Barrington Willard Frank. eeon Dichl ~ Bob Turner Harold McSpadden Be Ligyd Palmer Homer Sherwood , Joe Brasch