TRACK MEET AT LINCOLN The following V-le Trainecs will leave at 1:00 p.m. Friday Fobruary 18, to participate in the Track Mcct at Lincoln, Nebraska, Saturday, February 19, 1944. They will return at 8:46 a.m. Sunday, February 20th. voc Dickcy Robert Oliver Roliand Humilton William Schell John Hawlcy . Tom Seoficlid Rolph Johnson William Stcwart Robert Lillibridge David Whyte Harvey Morrow William Yonally BASKETBALL AT LINCOLN Tho following V-l2 students will go with the baskctball toam to Lincoln, Nebraska, lcaving Lawrence at 6:50 p.m. Friday, February 18, They will rcturn at 8:48 a.m. Sunday, February 20. Don Barrington Bob Turner Willard Frank Louis Gochring Harold McSpaddcn Robert Provart Homer Sherwood MARCH TERM If you have V-12 students in your clusscs in the March Term you can be of ercat assistance to this office if you Will write the name of the author and the toxtbook on the black board at the first mcecting of the class. Each V-12 student is issued a book requisition card which he fills in and presents to this office for his books and instruments, It helps in the issuing of the supplics if the numc of the author. and the title of thc book are recordod correctly on the requisition card. Your cooperation will be apprecicted,. : Leonurd H. Axe University Dircctor Navy V-12 Training Program Room 1A Frenk Strong Hall