MARCH TERM If you have V-l12 students in your classes in the March fern you can be of great assistance to this office if you w write the name of the author and the textbook on the black board at the first meeting of the class. Fach V-12 student is issued a book requisition card which he fills in and presents to this office for his books and instruments. It helps in the issuing of the supplies if the name of the author and the title of the book are recorded accurately on the requisitior card. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. LOST BOOKS Please report any books with Navy V-12 stickers left unclaimed in classrooms. office will pick them up. REPORT OF THE SICK Call K.U. 40 and some one from this February 19-25, 1944. NAME ADMITTED LU WLS CONT INUED Luhn, R. R. 2-18-44 2-25-44 Botts, T. Re 2-16-44 2-23-44 Armstrong, R. I. 2-15-44 2-25-44 Wuellner, R. A. 2-14-44 2-21-44 Keck, J. B. 2-14-44 2-21-44 Selde, V. 2- 8-44 2-21-44 Ryan, H. A. 2-7-44 2-25-44 Brown, R. V. 1-27-44 2-25-44 Hartman, K. W. 1-18-44 2nm25H44 Anderson, E. W. 2-15-44 2-19-44 Tice, W. X. 2-15-44 2-19-44 Aldridge, Re. G. 2-12-44 2-19-44 Bohl, Le. 5S. 2-21-44 2-25-44 Douglas, We He 2-21-44 2-25-44 Hosman, J. H. 2-21-44 2-244 Umbach, J. Ce 2-22-44 2-25-44 Todd, R. (medic) o~24-44 2-25-44 LIGHT DUTY LIST February 21, 1944. Taft, J. We Prewitt, R. Le Langdon, C. Ae Umbach, J. OC. Nash, C. Ge Irish, E. 3. Benedict, L. Le Aldridge, R. ‘Ge Tice, We Ke Anderson, E. We Sselde, V. Wuellner, R. Ae Keck, J. Be Kerfoot, D. Le Robbins, A. De February 24, 1944, Taft, Je We Prewitt, R. Le Langdon, C. A. Nash, C. Ge Irish, E. Ee Robbins, Ao. De. Botts, :T. Re Luhn, Re «Re BASKETBALL GAME AT MANHATTAN The following V-le boys will leave with the basketball team at i1:05 Wednesday morning, February 23 to piay Kansas State at Manhattan Wednesday night. morning, February 24, 1944, Don Barrington Harold McSpadden Willard Frank Louis Goehring They will return at 6:55 Thursday. Bob Turner Don Diehl Homer Sherwood Leonard H. Axe University Director Navy V-l2 Training Program