Decenber 5, i944. Mrs. W. N. Van Slyck, 223 Woodlawn Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. ‘Dear Mrs. Ven Slyck: I was delighted to receive your letter, and am happy to give you herewith the address of Charles Loar, His iast letter to me was dated October 11, 1944. His address is¥ Cpl. Charles P. Loar, Casual Bn., Trans. Center F.M.F. Pac., eare of Fleet Postoffice, San Francisao, California. It was a great pleasure for me to have a fine visit with Harold when he was here. I am enclosing a copy of the hawk Rebounds a a eee whish I you would enjoy reading. Yes, I do think it would be a lovely thing if would write to Mrs. Hunter. She hus been very brave in the of fT. P., and I am sure that a letter from you would mean her. Her address is Mrs. Mary ?. Hunter, Margaret, Texas. hy Ly ; to . I am sure that Mir. Van Slyck would have been proud of your sons. I had many contacts with him, and always valued very highly my association with this great character. With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.