April @2, 19éé. Lté. Bruce ii. Yorum, 01014071, fige Coe 757th Tank Bie, _ APO 464, c/o P.M, New York, NeYe Deay Bruce: : Joo Ryan came in and gave me your address. Gosh, it was goed to know of your whereabouts and to know that your timing end ability are making the enemy very unhappy I am sending you copies of our Jayhawic Rebounds which will give you some reading. tT am only sorry that I didn't have your address sooner so that I could have sent you the prelim- inary ones. Instead of a lot of stuff going over the dam we “ have thrown a lot of thia stuff over the left shoulder to the - boys in the service, and I wuld very like to have you in on the first masbers. much Here's hoping everything is going well with you, | By tw wey, Sruee, { am mailing a Rebounds to your good wife so that she will be up on the vayhawker activities. We will have a word to say concerniag you in the next Rebowsds. With every good wish, a Very simerely yours, Pirestor of Physical Riuoation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.