ee ao ae & ee Box 146 a soos ee ee I ee Dr. F. €. Alien RETR 2 peper wees Ge Ap.ebier a University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ace ee ne ee a | Dear Dr. Allen: oS i oe : _ I would appreciate receiving the Diagram of the Backboard which you men- ‘tioned during the Coaching School sponsored by the Kansas High School ~~ oe : _ Activities Assn. during Aug.21-25,1944 in my home town of Topeke,Kans. = ce I will stert Basketball practice about Octobeer 15,1944. Because we - have both Boys and Girls Basketball we will practice only on Tuesday _ and Thursday each week while the Girls practice under the coaching of _ Mrs. Ferran on Monday end Wednesdays. I will have four returning letter-~ men of which 5 were regulars(two forwards and a center)and a semi-regular - guerd.Four good freshmen players to work with two other returning squad- ee a ea 6 ee to ——_——— I sincerely wish that you will have another good team for this Basketball __ a“ eremen sag i m — + season. oe s - ee heprepenamnangin = meme - a ~ een ey < oes oe acne We will be handicapped, because our gym was originally built in 1914 for | a swimming pool. You undoubtedly realize the demensions,but we are going — to make the best of what we have. I am confident that it will be a good _ team. Corddally yours, = Kenneth Veon P. S. I hope to see you and your team when you come to Ames to play Iowa State,Mr. Menze should have a KV.