MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING he KANSAS CITY, KANSAS THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS - BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE.WJR. DREXEL 3838 May 7, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog"s: I appreciate very much your letter of May 3, and the copy of the news letter enclosed, which you are sending to your basketball boys who are now in military service. I think it is fine of you to do this and I know they will all appreciate receiving it. I know Tom, Jr. also will be mighty glad to hear from you. I tried my best to keep him informed as to the progress of the K.U. team this last year by sending him newspaper clippings, and I expect he probably heard from Mit on one or two occasions. I also sent him some newspaper clippings when you occasionally broke into print and I know he got quite a kick out of those also. For a long time I have been intending to write you to congratulate you on the victorious season the basketball team had, but one thing or another intervened and I did not get to it. I think you know that we are rather shorthanded here as all four of the younger members of the firm are in service. I followed the games the team played with my usual interest. I believe if the war had not interfered the team might have become the national champion. ; Any time you are in the vicinity and extend the invitation, IT am sure Maurice Breidenthal and I will join you at lunch. Please give my regards to Mrs. Allen, the Mit Allens and the other members of your family. Sincerely yours, TMV:SS % April 26, 1943. Sr. Heotor C. Vega, Morelos 6, Hermosille, Sonora, Mexico. Dear Sir: I em very happy to autograph a copy of “Better Basketball", which I am mailing to you immediately. I would particularly like to call your attention to the Tales of Yesteryear, in the back of the book, which are traditional stories of some of our games. I have in- ‘ 4 Mi 7 < g ce aiehie Sas wats arama Ve 5 Novae caus er nail and trainer to eunfiition the mea in his charge and to aid him in treating the injuries which his players might sustain. I sincerely trust that you will enjoy the book, which I em happy indeed to send to my southern neighbor. Very cordially yours, = eA. Director of Physioal Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Morelos 6 Hermosillo, Sonora. MEé April 21, 1943. X1cO FORREST ALLEN, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas. LAWRENCE, Kansas, U. S. A. Dear Mr. Allen: Inclosed please find bank draft for $4.00 U.S. Cy., which covers the cost of your book "Better Basketball”. Please send your book at the earliest possible date, with your authograph. Thanking you in advance, I wish to remain Very truly yours MZ HEC A encl. bank draft for $4.00 U. S. Cy. REFER TO NO. ; : Address Reply to: The Office of Naval Officer Procure- BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL sain yma mpl soe NAVY DEPARTMENT — NOPSL-18=1m( 14127 -43) orrice oF NAVAL OFFICER PROCUREMENT ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI March 27, 1943 Dear Sir: Reference: VANEK, Ernest Joe, 709 MacVicar, Topeka, Kans. Applicant for commission, U. S. Naval Reserve. In placing this important matter before you, it is sincerely regretted that a personal letter can not be sent, but to do so would make it necessary to divert energy now focused on other wartime duties. The conscientious thought given your reply to this request may affect the welfare and safety of many men, as the man about whom we are writing may eventually be in a position of command. Therefore, the requested information is of more than usual significance. Please tell us in detail what you can about this applicant. For your convenience we have enclosed a form which covers the essential items upon which in- (‘formation is desired. It would contribute to our appraisal of the applicant if you would place your answers below the questions on the enclosed sheet. A return envelope is enclosed. Your reply will be kept in strictest confidence and will have an important bearing on the final decision. Please accept our thanks for your assistance, Very truly yours, 4 ib Later Lieut. (jg) USNR By direction Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. NOTE: This is a very urgent and important matter and this man's application will be held up pending your reply. Therefore, it would be sincerely appreciated if you would give this your immediate attention. ir. James Van Dyok, Gladewater, Texas. Dear Mr. Yan Dyoks Iam sorry that I have not answered your comaunication sooner. However, I checked your record with the Registrer’s office, and find that you were enrolled in Physical Bducation as follows: . Exercise 1, in the fall of 1955; Hxercise 2, in the spring of 1956. | This makes only two semesters of physical education. Two hours in physical education may be Sr ee ee ine Arts. _ rusting this gives you the nesessary in- formation, I a Sincerely yours, — | -‘Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Gladewater, Texas March 6, 19435 Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: IT attended school at the University of Kansas, leaving there in 1939 after completing approximately three years of my college work. I completed my work at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and upon making an application for my diploma found that I was lacking in one hour of physical education. My K.U. transcript shows that I took only three semesters of physical education while attending school there, I was under the impression that I had taken four semesters or at least, had completed the necessary requirements which was required ef for a B.A. degree peo the school of fine arts. I would appreciate it very much if you would check with your records (if possible) to see just how much physical education I took. If you have no records, would you please call the registrar and see how much is listed on my transcript there, after which please write to the registrar at S.M.U., Dallas, Texas, and tell them just how much physical education I. have had there. 1 would appreciate having a duplicate of your letter to the S.M.U. registrar so I can then get in contact with ktm the head of the physical éducation department at S.M.U. and arrange to get the matter cleared up. He told me recently that He would arrange for me to make one hour of physical education is case I had only three semesters at K.U. I am very anxious to receive my diploma this spring. Yours efforts in helping me get this matter straightened up will be greatly appreciated. Yours very sincerely, EX Oy Ome \ aN Ment jvd April 6, 1943. Mr. Heotor Cc. Vega, Morelos 6,. Hermosillo, Sondma, Mexico. | Dear Sir: Thank you for your inquiry of | 27th. I believe that you would find my text, ~* Basketball" very valuable in your coaching. The book contains many photographs and diagrams, as well as a full explanation of the fundamentals of" the game. "Better Basketball” is published by the MoGrew-Hill Book Company of New York, and is for sale by most book stores and athletic goods firms. The price is $4.00. If you would desire an auto- graphed copy I shall be happy to send it to you on receipt of your check a sey orter fir 96.00- Very sincerely yours, y Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketbail Coach. Ene. \ | \ | Morelos 6. Hermosillo, son, Neve March 27, 1943. | DR. --PHOG Cc. ALLEN, Director of Basketball, Kanagss University LAWRENCE, Kangas. Sir: I ‘have just evecddwed a commercial basketball Laawen in this city, with considerable success. There are a teams taking part. The commercial house by which I am employed has en- tered a team, which I am coaching. However, I would like to obtain a few more plays that I could use with success. If there is no inconvenience on your part, will you be so kind as to send me 4 or 5 diagrams of offensive and defensive plays? | * bee thiaking you in advance for your kindness, and remain ; Very truly yours dex 3 } I ct Day Letter Feb. 16, 1943 Mr. J. H. Vandenberg, St. Louis Hotel, Perry, Okla. Wrote you special delivery out of Ames , but fearing letter might not be delivered am wiring change of plans. Leaving here tonight 6:40. Arrive Perry 11: $0 tonight. Forrest CG. Allen - January 12, 1945. — ir. Tom Van Cleave, Sr., .604 Commercial Building, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Tomy : Thank you very much for your fine letter of the 1léh instant. I was delighted to receive your words _ fo commendation. We certainly gave those Sooners all they © wanted and a lot more. They were set for the kill and the had played the publicity in such a way that when they de- feated us they would have succeeded in bringing us up to such a high point that it would have made them look marvel- ous to be victors over the Jayhewkers. As it was, their ee See Oe DEES eed ee eee eee We Se for it. ss de lk, Wa nek wn be ee Saturday night in the hall and we would like to have you, Mrs. Yan Cleave, Cotton and the others as our guests, in a ‘box. Anybody thet you have with you will be welcome. I will get in touch with you before Saturday and find what tickets you desire. You contact Cotton and others whom you would like to have. Please give Tom, Jr., my warmest personal regards. He is a grand boy. I know his wife and youngster must be lonesome for him but Tommy is doing a great job. Mit is having a tough time staying out. He feels it very kemly. With all good wishes to my friend in the clutch, I am : Very sincerely yous, ao Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE YS AT LAW June 21, 1943. of of gied my the , point toward the musber of partici- on Please give my kindest regards to Messrs, Young, Bachman Sincerely yours, and Schladenan. Tt certainly is a great conditioner, and I believe thet Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. it has its place in the conditioning program. 3 ag "823 4483 apes A359 3 fab ade Michigan State College, Thank ti like i Dear Ben: POA:H Yr. Ben F. Basketbail Coach, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN < 3 a ss JENISON GYMNASIUM & FIELD HOUSE June 17, 1943 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ‘ Dear Phog: — I take great pleasure in writing you that upon experimenting with Goal-Hi as a game ee of ae organization for some of our Arey men - ; this exceriudelel reac ion of ours and her! 8 hoping 0s that more similar games are developed. aa With kindest personal regards, I an, oo : | Sincerely yours, Ben/F. VanAlstyne Basketball Coach Terence Vincent, 519 W.Cross st. Ypsilanti, Mich. Dr. Fogg Allen Kansas Us Athletic Dept. Lawrence, Kansas =— ee ay en, a — Dear™Allen: 9/1/42 'Tis’said that my son, Terz, is or Will be a graduate medic student U.S.N. He will be 21 on 9/10, and I'd like to send him cash,a Defense Bond, or some other gift which he will accept,..tho, with him I'm not apparently in good standing." You, Quigjey,Cochran, Weed and I officiated football inKas.Conference in '17, and '20 when I was writer Sports Ed= on Wichita Beacon. : Can you advise how I may bentaand birtHday gift? To what addres younger son?s Sincerely, CLASs OF SERVICE \ \ | E S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS pace is a —— : DL =Day Letter elegram or Cable- ¢ ie ram unless its de- bi ( 49 ) NT =Overnight Telegram erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER pte ee FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination )KBB24 10 NT XC=WG WELLINGTN KANS AUG 29 . FORREST C ALLEN= | 042 AUG 30 Av 18 04 :800 LOUSIANA LAWRENCE KANS= | ‘COACH ALLEN RECEIVED LETTER TODAY. WILL SEE YOU MONDAY THANKS= - -VANDY* VANDY% THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE