April 6, 1943. Mr. Heotor Cc. Vega, Morelos 6,. Hermosillo, Sondma, Mexico. | Dear Sir: Thank you for your inquiry of | 27th. I believe that you would find my text, ~* Basketball" very valuable in your coaching. The book contains many photographs and diagrams, as well as a full explanation of the fundamentals of" the game. "Better Basketball” is published by the MoGrew-Hill Book Company of New York, and is for sale by most book stores and athletic goods firms. The price is $4.00. If you would desire an auto- graphed copy I shall be happy to send it to you on receipt of your check a sey orter fir 96.00- Very sincerely yours, y Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketbail Coach. Ene. \ | \ |