March 16, 1942. Mr. We Ne. Yan Slyck, Principal, Topeka High School, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Mr. Van Slyck: You were very Kind, indeed, to write as you did on March 6th, and I regret that I have been wmable to reply sooner. It was @ great pleasure for me to speak at the Father end Son banquet at the First Methodist Church. I would be very happy if you would care to send to included in our collection of letters from ends. These letters are in a large loose-leaf book, and it is possible to add letters whi@h come to us from our friends. The committee in charge of the solebration is still active, and if you care to send a letter we would treasure it highly. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.