ASSISTANTS THOMAS E. JOYCE THOMAS M. VANCLEAVE, JR. JOHN J. BUKATY O.° Qs. CLAFEIN,: 11 ULYSSES G. PLUMMER = eee ibe E ON GES SSie = Rave RRS reen, eee eae = mA, oS POPES Satan eee & OFFICE OF JOSEPH H. MCDOWELL COUNTY ATTORNEY WYANDOTTE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KANSAS CITY, KANSAS April 15, 1942. Dr. Porrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: On behalf of Caroline and myself I want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the many favors and courtesies you extended to us during the past year. We sincerely hope that some Gay in some small way we will be able to repay you. Please give our best regards to Mrs. Allen. Si rely y SS; : Aa TMVC srl HOMAS M. VAN CLEAVE, Jr. DREXEL 1600