Mire Tom Van Cleave, Jr's Commercial National Bank Kansas City, Kansas Dear Tom: I have just checked up and find that $2000 is due Bill Brill to this date; namely, November 12, Bach month here} after on the 12th, Bill would appresiete it if you would mail him a chesk for $10.00, at 1140 Mississippi Street, 1 know that it will make him happy to kmow you people are interested enough in him te extend him this courtesy Bill has had a little difficulty with some of his as es ee ce es ae ee for tutoring, and he is going to definitely get dow Fhe Petra serious worke Bill is doing a good job with us and I frankly believe if we would have been able to take care gtbne: difficulty — earlier in the year, regarding the fraternity and other social . adjustments, that he would have been much further alonge : Will you please thank Wr. lacey Haynes for me and tell him at sometime in the very near future I am going to drop in and buy him @ luncheons iis idk does 40 atk ie Ono: = om wally oodey 1 at not have @ Jenger tims to visit with yous . It was good to see you Saturdays I am only sorry i did not have @ longer time to visit with yous Please give my kindest regards to that old club shootere= that good Dad of yourse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . . FCAslg LEE COLLINGWOOCD, PRESIDENT D. A. VORAN, CASHIER ED. P. GRABER, VICE PRESIDENT R. O. NOTESTINE, Ass’'T CASHIER THE STATE BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $30,000.00 PRETTY PRAIRIE, KANSAS November 18, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doct- I enjoyed your letter and, barring unforeseen difficulties, I will be in Lawrence on the night of November 26th for the Game e I'll try to get in a couple of work-outs before then and perhaps get that left-handed float shot tuned up. Our line-up looks plenty tough and we should be able to give the varsity a real battle. Of course, I don't know what we will use for wind after the first quarter; but maybe we can just pivot and pass out. Best versonal regards to you, Bob, and the family and I am hoping to see you next Tuesday. Sincerely, | Brock dori Al ‘November 18, 1940 Mr. Tom Van Cleave, Jre MeAnmany, Alden & Van Cleave 604 Commercial Bldg. Kansas City, Kansas Dear Tome: Thank you very much for your good letter of the 15th instant informing me that you have talked with Mre Lacey Haynes regarding Bill ae , ‘Tam doing everything I can to bring Bill's academic work up and trust that he may survive the academic mortality that befalls SO manye With all good wishes to you and yours, I an, Yours sincerely, Director of Physical Edueation and Reereation — Varsity Basketball Coach MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING ee oe KANSAS CITY. KANSAS THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE,JR. ; DREXEL 3838 November 15, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allens: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of November ik, 1240. As soon as I received your letter I talked to Mr. Lacey Haynes and he told me to inform you that he would immediately send to Bill Brill $20.00 and would send $10.00 on the 12th of each month hereafter. We hope this will solve Bill's financial problem and if it doesn't, do not hesitate to so inform us. : We all sincerely hope that Bill can survive the first semester as we believe that if he gets through that semester his biggest troubles will be over. We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have taken in Bill as we realize it has been somewhat of a burden. Sincerely youps, i es OPK TUVjr:MP vanie November 27, 1940 — Mire Lee Vaughan, dre Williawson, Cubbison & Vaughan Attorneys at Law 903 North Seventh Street Kansas City, Kansas Dear Lee: I acknowledge with thanks your favor of the 25th instant, giving me full information on the personnel of the AlleCity Honor 2011 Football Team, together with the coaches of the respective teams. : 3 You may count on my being present at the Gould Hotel, 8th and State avenue, at 12:15 pe. me, Vednesdey, December 4. With @11 good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA :lg:min Ls. Hele ih iy is itt, HE ul ili idl ai November 29, 1940 Director of Physieal Raucation ant Reeres ti on fl Hats Petts = pattae Gade : cit i aise Desember 12, 1940 If end when it is convenient to you, you may send me a check for $6.00 for my travel expenses to the High-Twelve Club where I spoke on December 4. I assure you I was very happy to be with yous Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Yarsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Decenber 30, 1940 The Vinee laboratories, Ince 113 West 18th Street New York, New York Gentlemens: Sometime ago you mailed us some ailes ot same aeaue sox I passed then out to members of my basketball team, and others. They were used to good advantage. I wonder if it would be possible for you to supply us with more samples; we would greatly appreciate ite I shall always be glad to recommend your product to others. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig February 5, 1941 Mre Tan Van Cleave, Jre MeAnany, Alden & Van Cleave Your good letter of the 3rd instant has been received and I am always happy te hear from yous I took the matter up with the administration regerding tickets for the Wyandotte High School basketball team, and Mr» Earl Falkenstien, Financial Seeretary of the Athletic Association, tells me that every seet in the auditorium is completely sold oute The only possible way thet we could adnit the boys would be by selling standing roa, and then they of necessity would to take certain areas of standing romme However, Mre Palkenstien says ‘that he will arrange to adnit them but there will absolutely be no seats left. I assure you thet we want to do everything we can to cooperate with Coach Elbl and our good friends at Wyandotte High School. i am sending ® carbon copy of this letter to Parl Falkenstien and I am sure you will hear from him in the very near futures Yes, I am very much pleased abovt Rey “wane and I wes terribly disappointed about Bill Brill. I too em sorry that he could nct make it, but you know I think I offered him the right advise when I suggested he enroll in the Schocl of Education, but he emphatically thought othere wis@e I am very fond of Bill and 1 want to do everything I ean to help him and I trust he will return next years , . Bill is @ swell fellow and he would make a great college mn because I believe he has the fundamentals of right living, and he has — a fine attitude. The intercession of no studying in high school to very serious requirements in academic standards was just a little too much for him in one yeare : Thank you, Tommy, and I assure you you will hear from Mre Falkenstien in the very near futures Sincerely yours, Director of | ical Education and Recreation cc; Falkenstien MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING EDWIN S.MCANANY NSAS CITY, NSAS THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE,JR, DREXEL 3838 February 3, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Coach Ashley Elbl of the Wyandotte High School basketball team just called me on the 'phone and asked me if it would be > possible to get some complimentary tickets for the Kansas-Nebraska basketball game. He wants to take his first ten basketball players to the game and also his assistant coach, making a total ef 12. I would appreciate it if this request could be arranged. I had a long talk with Ray Evans last week and I am more convinced than ever that he will be of great value to you. I am sorry to hear about Bill Brill but believe he will profit by his mistakes and I am going to try to make arrange- ments for him to enroll again at K. U. in the fall. I want to wish you all success for your coming games and I am sure that when the schedule is completed Kansas will be at the top. ey fom At, Lr TMV jr: MP February 5, 1941 _ Coach Ernie Vanek Worth Wichita High School Wichita, Kansas Rear Erniss For your information I am enclosing @ copy of @ letter I have written to Paul TAlker of Wichita, inviting him to the Kensas Releys.e Sincerely yours, Mirestor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach F0Aslg ENGe February 22, 1941 Mire Tom Yan Cleeve, Ire 604 Commercial Building Kensés City, Kensas Deer Tommy: I heve just returned fron Columbia, Missouri and find your letter awaiting me. I vant to essure you that we are very happy to assist you in obtaining tickets for Coach Elbl and his squad. 3 I heve talked with Mr. Falkenstion and he willhandle the seats for the other games for you as he has done for the Nebraska : gam@e J do not think enother letter is necessary, but if you care to drop him a note ahead of time for each game telling him how many there will be in the party, he will take care of youe Of course, a1] of the seats are sold, tut there is always a Weye Tommy, it is always a great pleasure to do this for yous. You heve been swell and I am sure that all of us eppreciate the fine things that you have done in benefit of the Athletic Department here at the University. With all good wishes to you and to your good Dad, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physicel Education end Yecreation Yersity Basketball Coach FGA tah : ec~ Earl Falkenstien MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING KANSAS City, KANSAS EDWIN S.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE,JR. : DREXEL 3838 February 19, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I want to express my thanks for your cooperation in securing tickets for Coach Ashley Elbl, his assistant coach, and the first ten basketball players of Wyandotte High School to the Kansas- Nebraska basketball game. . Coach Ashley Elbl has again requested tickets for the Kansas- Kansas State basketball game as he would like to take his first ten basketball players and his assistant coach to this game. This would make a total of 12 tickets. | As you know, I do not like to request complimentary tickets for anybody for any game as I believe if any person wants to see a game they could afford to pay for the ticket. However, in order to get the athletes of Wyandotte High School interested in the University of Kansas some means must be arranged whereby .we can get them acquainted with the University, not only athletically but with some of the personalities who are members of the insti- tution. It means a great deal to get a head start on the other universities and colleges which will be bidding for the services of these boys. You, of course, know that competition between col- leges and universities to secure desirable athletes is becoming keener than ever. I sincerely hope you are successful in your coming games. pay Pees Vm Lie TMV jr: MP Mire Yalter Te Vogel 575 We Santa Clara St. San Jose, California Dear Yalts Thanks for thinking of me, Telt, and writing me your good letter of the 20th instant. Yes, it is a thought of the ages™my back when we think of the Allen Brothers and their basketball outfite i em sorry that I did not get to see you when you ~ were in Kansas City three months ago, and I am sorrier that you had a heart attack when you were huntinge Gosh, that is a tough rap, but with your old fight I am sure you will have the philosophy equal to the occasione Now do not try to overdo, be your age and take it easye Tharks, Talte If I ever come to San Jose or its environs I certainly will not fail to drop in and look . you Upe With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach eee ee pies en ee eS 2 sy 2 aS WALTER T. VOGEL USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD j ee ——— ——S————————— TELEPHONE BALLARD 7296 575 WEST SANTA CLARA STREET Ss Kia F y ve You. Finn Ir Here SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA WALTER T. VOGEL 575 W. SANTA CLARA ST. : SAN JOSE, CALIF. 1 WALTER T. VOGEL USED CARS _ = = a —_— BOUGHT AND SOLD CASH - TERMS - TRADE TELEPHONE BALLARD 7296 575 WEST SANTA CLARA STREET You. Finn Ir Here SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA oe F — <7 Tae K And a Aenrt — € Shave Vert WALTER T. VOGEL 575 W. SANTA CLARA ST. SAN JOSE, CALIF. March 20, 1941 Mre Ernest Je Vanek Wichita High Sehool North ‘Wiehita, Kansas Dear Ernies I think the two letters you init, aw toi Ae Je Stout, Superintendent of Schools, and the other from We Ne Van Slyck, Principal, are fine, and I think your answers hit the nail on the heads : I certainly would have no additional suggestions because I think you have handled the matter in a fine waye You have informed me, Frnie, and if I can help you an Say Shy 19 MISE OES EPONA Piewts With all good wishes to you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach — FOAs1g ! FRANK K. REID, VicE-PRINCIPAL Wichita High School North GROVER C. DOTZOUR, PRINCIPAL Wichita, Kansas DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ? - Boys March 16, 1941 Gis’ Roy G. GRoE Eva LYMAN A. B. CoLLom : JUANDA HAWKINS A. R. EDWARDS ESTHER PFLEGER ERNEST J. VANEK ANN THEILEN Dr. F. G. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": That was a swell letter you sent to Albert Carson. I am sure he will be glad to get the chance to visit the University of Kansas. In regard to the Topeka job, I have received two very nice letters from the Superintendent and the Principal. I am sending you copies of each one. | I answered both of them immediately. In my letter to Mr. Stout I told him:"I feel that I would like to handle the Basketball Assignment and be of assistance with the Physical Education Program. I will be very willing to work and cooperate in building up the program. In coach- ing, a person's dealings with the boys are so much closer and I guess that is the reason I don't want to give it up." My answer to his salary question was this: "I have been offered a $200 raise for next year if I remain in Wichita. Thet would increase my salary to $2000. I do feel that the job in Topeka will carry just as many responsibilities as my present position, and I would certainly appreciate your consideration of that fact." "Doc" I have not heard from either of them since. Do you think my answer to Mr. Stout's letter was proper? I am very interested in their set-up and would like to get into that system. They might be waiting until after the State Basketball Tournament to make their decision. Any suggestions that you might have wo 1d certairly be appreciated. Sincerely eke February 24, 1941 Mr. Ernest J. Vanek 1457 Jeanette Street Wichita, Kansas Dear Mr. Vanek: The other night at a meeting of the board of education there was considerable discussion regarding the assign- ment of work of the two persons who were to-be elected. One person will probably be head of the department or at least chairman of it, and will outline the work gor all of the teachers in the boys'and girls* departments; also plan the intramurals, He will also, of course, teach physical education. The other person will be basketball coach and will teach physical education. There seems to be a difference of opinion regarding what you would like to do. One or two members of the board thought you would be interested in the physical education ae chairmanship with someone else doing the basketball. Others thought that you would be interested only in basketball, so I was instructed to write to you and ask you to tell us just what you feel about the matter, That is, would you be interested in heading up the department or, second, would you want to coach the basketball and teach? Another item that came up for discussion regarding all of you who were being considered was the amount of salary. Our salary schedule does not give as large an amount for straight teaching as you are now receiving. However, we do give a differential for coaching and would probably give a differential for the heading up of the department. The papers here carry the story that your salary has been increased from $1800 to $2000 and that you probably would not be interested in a position here at $1800. I wish you would write me very frankly how you feel about all of these matters. Sincerely yours, February 27, 1941 Mr. Ernest J. Vanek Wichita High School North Wichita, Kansas Dear Mr. Vanek: I have refrained from writing you until Mr. Stout had sent you the official communication from the Board Of Education. We had a good meeting the other evening and the Board of Education seemed to be unanious in its desire to secure you for work in Topeka High School. They indicated a willingness to offer you either the work as basketball coach or head of the physical education department, which would include work for girls as well as boys. We are anxious to have some one who will head up this work and develop a good course. Athletics then of course becomes a part of the whole program. I sincerely hope we may be able to secure your services for one or the other of these positions. Very sincerely, We. N. Van Slyck Principal SLRS as a eee Sy, The Vince laboratories, Inde 113 West 15th Street New York, New York Gentlemens Thank you very much for the trial supply of Tinee, | | We have passed these samples out to our baskete ball boys and your product is being used to good advantages Tf it would be possible for you to supply us with more samples wo would greatly appreciate it, I use Vince myself and am always glad to reoamend it to others. | 7 ; Sincerely yours, Pireetor of Physical Education end Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball coach MArhg i think the thanks should be the other way around. You ve been swell and cooperative in seeing that the high distri from your ct get an opportunity to see some games, other hand, I know the great amount of work and worry that shown and the hard work that you have dongs There are not many alumni who ! 6 you havée i am pleased to mow that you expect Kenneth Thaapson and Mike Vargon of Wyandotte High School, and larry Smith, James Gooding and Vince Deitchman of the Kansas City, Kansas Junior College to attend the University next fall. . E E I am also pleased that you have gotten B41) Brill lined up with a job at the American Walnut Companye I am very fond of Bill and I have great confidence in his ability as an outstanding athlete, and i believe he is a boy who will make his grades this times | Give our love to Carolyn and I hope thet the young heir is feeling fine and that his mother is now well on the way to complete recoverye | ke With kindest regards to your fine fad and your fenily, I am, - Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach - FCAslg MCANANY. ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING EDWIN S.MCANANY KANSAS CITY, KANSAS THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVEWR. DREXEL 3838 March 26, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the many courtesies and favors you extended to me during the past basket- ball season. I can also assure you that the Wyandotte High School Basketball Team and their coach, Ashley Elbl, deeply appreciate your kindness towards them. At the present time I expect Kenneth Thompson and Mike Vargon of Wyandotte High School and Larry Smith, James Gooding and Vince Deitchman of the Kansas City, Kansas Junior College, all to attend the University of Kansas next fall. These boys all appear to be good basketball material. In the very near future I will try to get as many of these boys as I can to come up to Lawrence and talk to you. I have been fortunate in getting Bill Brill a job at the American Walnut Company here in this city. He told me that he had a very fine talk with you and he is all set to go back to the University next fall. I will appreciate hearing from you in regard to any sug- gestions or observations you might have in regard to the players I have mentioned, as I realize you have some excellent ideas that I would not think of in securing the desired results. Yours Axruly a TMV jrsMP July 28th, 1941 Yrs. Ernest Vanek 1423 Ohio Street Apt. 104 City Dear Mary Virginie: Iwant to take this means for thanking you for helping us in the archery range. ee: Since our funds are very limited and the mumbers on the range are few together with the near closing of whool, I believe thet we could now get elong with one helper. We'll use Bvlyn Herriman since she is @ student and needs the work. I'm sure you will understand the preference for student labor. Again thanking you and with appreciation for your kind cooperation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Reereation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAs re : - August 16, 1941. Ville Rica Hosiery Mills, Villa Rica, Georgia. Dear Sirs: About two years ago I had some correspondence with your firm about short elastic athletic sox that you manufactured. Will you kindly quote me your price on a gross of these sox? : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. S. \ FF SS XW WN We ON es \ a S \ \A SS MAY’ S SAS MIA WO OH / Hosiery, Mn anufacturers Villa Rica, Georgia August 18, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen:- Replying to yours of the 15th, we have found that the short elastic athletic socks have not been as satisfactory as planned and we have discontinued same and we regret that we cannot serve you on same. Very truly yours, VILLA RICA HOSIERY MILLS ee ae x M@nager.