February 24, 1941 Mr. Ernest J. Vanek 1457 Jeanette Street Wichita, Kansas Dear Mr. Vanek: The other night at a meeting of the board of education there was considerable discussion regarding the assign- ment of work of the two persons who were to-be elected. One person will probably be head of the department or at least chairman of it, and will outline the work gor all of the teachers in the boys'and girls* departments; also plan the intramurals, He will also, of course, teach physical education. The other person will be basketball coach and will teach physical education. There seems to be a difference of opinion regarding what you would like to do. One or two members of the board thought you would be interested in the physical education ae chairmanship with someone else doing the basketball. Others thought that you would be interested only in basketball, so I was instructed to write to you and ask you to tell us just what you feel about the matter, That is, would you be interested in heading up the department or, second, would you want to coach the basketball and teach? Another item that came up for discussion regarding all of you who were being considered was the amount of salary. Our salary schedule does not give as large an amount for straight teaching as you are now receiving. However, we do give a differential for coaching and would probably give a differential for the heading up of the department. The papers here carry the story that your salary has been increased from $1800 to $2000 and that you probably would not be interested in a position here at $1800. I wish you would write me very frankly how you feel about all of these matters. Sincerely yours,