MCANANY, ALDEN & VAN CLEAVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 604 COMMERCIAL BUILDING EDWIN S.MCANANY NSAS CITY, NSAS THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE WILLARD L.PHILLIPS BERNHARD W.ALDEN PATRICK B.MCANANY THOS.M.VAN CLEAVE,JR, DREXEL 3838 February 3, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Coach Ashley Elbl of the Wyandotte High School basketball team just called me on the 'phone and asked me if it would be > possible to get some complimentary tickets for the Kansas-Nebraska basketball game. He wants to take his first ten basketball players to the game and also his assistant coach, making a total ef 12. I would appreciate it if this request could be arranged. I had a long talk with Ray Evans last week and I am more convinced than ever that he will be of great value to you. I am sorry to hear about Bill Brill but believe he will profit by his mistakes and I am going to try to make arrange- ments for him to enroll again at K. U. in the fall. I want to wish you all success for your coming games and I am sure that when the schedule is completed Kansas will be at the top. ey fom At, Lr TMV jr: MP