February 5, 1941 Mre Tan Van Cleave, Jre MeAnany, Alden & Van Cleave Your good letter of the 3rd instant has been received and I am always happy te hear from yous I took the matter up with the administration regerding tickets for the Wyandotte High School basketball team, and Mr» Earl Falkenstien, Financial Seeretary of the Athletic Association, tells me that every seet in the auditorium is completely sold oute The only possible way thet we could adnit the boys would be by selling standing roa, and then they of necessity would to take certain areas of standing romme However, Mre Palkenstien says ‘that he will arrange to adnit them but there will absolutely be no seats left. I assure you thet we want to do everything we can to cooperate with Coach Elbl and our good friends at Wyandotte High School. i am sending ® carbon copy of this letter to Parl Falkenstien and I am sure you will hear from him in the very near futures Yes, I am very much pleased abovt Rey “wane and I wes terribly disappointed about Bill Brill. I too em sorry that he could nct make it, but you know I think I offered him the right advise when I suggested he enroll in the Schocl of Education, but he emphatically thought othere wis@e I am very fond of Bill and 1 want to do everything I ean to help him and I trust he will return next years , . Bill is @ swell fellow and he would make a great college mn because I believe he has the fundamentals of right living, and he has — a fine attitude. The intercession of no studying in high school to very serious requirements in academic standards was just a little too much for him in one yeare : Thank you, Tommy, and I assure you you will hear from Mre Falkenstien in the very near futures Sincerely yours, Director of | ical Education and Recreation cc; Falkenstien