Mire Tom Van Cleave, Jr's Commercial National Bank Kansas City, Kansas Dear Tom: I have just checked up and find that $2000 is due Bill Brill to this date; namely, November 12, Bach month here} after on the 12th, Bill would appresiete it if you would mail him a chesk for $10.00, at 1140 Mississippi Street, 1 know that it will make him happy to kmow you people are interested enough in him te extend him this courtesy Bill has had a little difficulty with some of his as es ee ce es ae ee for tutoring, and he is going to definitely get dow Fhe Petra serious worke Bill is doing a good job with us and I frankly believe if we would have been able to take care gtbne: difficulty — earlier in the year, regarding the fraternity and other social . adjustments, that he would have been much further alonge : Will you please thank Wr. lacey Haynes for me and tell him at sometime in the very near future I am going to drop in and buy him @ luncheons iis idk does 40 atk ie Ono: = om wally oodey 1 at not have @ Jenger tims to visit with yous . It was good to see you Saturdays I am only sorry i did not have @ longer time to visit with yous Please give my kindest regards to that old club shootere= that good Dad of yourse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . . FCAslg