— anny L. W. MAYBERRY, SUPERINTENDENT FRANK K. REID, Vice PRINCIPAL Wichita High School North GROVER C. DOTZOUR, PRINCIPAL Wichita, =i ansas DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Boys’ GIRLS’ Roy G. GROE Eva LYMAN A. B. COLLOM JUANDA HAWKINS A. R. EDWARDS ESTHER PFLEGER ERNEST J. VANEK ANN THEILEN I have been wondering about Bob Groom, East High boy. He had seen you during the Spring at K.U.e. I talked with him several times and he seemed pretty well sold on K.U. He was a darn good ball player. Besides that , he made the National Honor Society and was President of the Student Congress at East High. If things work out I will be seeing you in Topeka at The Coaching School. I sure hope I can make it. Sincerely yours, —