December 5, 1944. Mr. Richard Allen, 9839 Winner Road, : Independence, Mo. ; Dear Dick: I have thought a good deal of the possibility of your coming to the University of Kansas, and I assure you I would be de- lighted to have you here. However, at your age of 16 I believe that certainly a year of junior college would give you some maturing that would be helpful to you when you come to the University. The fact that you are so terribly young to enter as a freshman at K.U. would work against you in athleties where older men naturally form the majority of the athletes. Then if you have your freshman year, it would bring you up to 18 and I think you would have a wuch better chance. | 7 : Of course, this is only an aside to the main thing that you come to the University for, but boys rather magnify that in their om minds. I am delighted that you are making such fine grades and I want you to continue to do thet because after all that is the pay off in the long run. | : You see, you wuld have to take pre-Law work anyhow, and that would permit you to compete in athletics in your undergrad- uate work. The Law School is very stiff here and when you get into thet you will have little time for athletics. Law and Medicine are tougher even than the Engineering course, which is a five-year course i We will have some tickets for you for the Rockhurst | game at the Municipal Auditorium, as well as for the other games if you ean attend. Let me know if you and your mother oan go, and in whose name I should leave then. We also play games there on the 22nd and 25rd of December, and I will be glad to fix you up. After the game I would be glad to talk with you, if you and your mother come in. i Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach.