70 Jo need Uibra-SG/ Most authorities agree that better than seventy per cent of our population have bad feet. Scien- tists know that races of people who go barefoot suffer comparatively no foot ills. This is because the muscles of the feet have full play as nature intended they should, and as a result the proper tone of muscles and ligaments and the proper circulation of blood to all the paris insures health throughout the foot. Nerves and blood vessels become pinched and unused through the wearing of shoes coupled with insufficiency of correct exercise. Then come in- flamation, pain and the creation of symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and other ailments. Many a case of back ache — strained eyes — neuritis of hands and arms—and even indigestion have been finally traced to “bad feet’ which have so disturbed the body balance that bad posture and mal-alignments are caused in other parts of the body. Why you need Utbra-Sa/ In recent years there has been an ever in- creasing demand on the part of the public for greater foot comfort and relief from foot troubles. Much is being done to meet this demand and there have been many improvements in foot-wear, but nothing has been found to take the place of scientific massage and exercise to establish and maintain Health in the Feet. Vibra-saj"’ is science’s answer to this demand. A rolling, vibrating massage combined with the latest laboratory-proved exercise. Vibra-saj’’ lifts and strengthens the arch, mas- sages sore muscles, alleviates the swelling in tired feet and ankles and normalizes the circula- tion to these parts. Vibra-saj through the establishing of correct foot tone and foot balance helps correct body balance and establish correct posture. Correct body bal- ance and right posture are impossible when feet are wrong. Uibra-S a] an aid to charm Women buy books on charm and men read “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” when what they really need is foot comfort and plenty of it! Bridge games and business conferences have been spoiled and chances lost because tired, aching feet have made the participants ‘‘edgy”’ and nervous. Watch people on the street, in the office, at the Club. Where do they show lack of poise most? In the nervous shifting of the feet! Experts on dress and personality tell us that a most important factor in the appearance is a free walk. People cannot walk treely if they are walking on sore aching feet, that protest with each step. “Vibra-saj'’ brings comfort and health, and that two-foot'’ smile! @ “Foot Fatigue “he gangster who exacts his toll from every hour of the day 2